Flintlock freakin'
I've been a member of the NAHC since 1983. Many members from various state groups host/participate in GT's (Member Get -together's). They can be 1 day events or up to a week long camp over events. I live in PA. Back in the summer,2010, Ohio members I'd met, invited me to join in their GT. Great time. I'm a reenactor, rendezvous shooter of flintlocks. I was told they would shoot free time at their range with any guns and Saturday was a clay bird shoot for fun. When I showed up Thursday AM, I set up in my period camp and dressed in period clothing, as my buddies requested, to demonstrate and educate some of the sponsors families and guests at the event. When I showed Saturday for the clay shoot with a .54 caliber smooth rifle flintlock, I was scoffed at. But the kidding stopped and the questions started to flow after I was 18 for 20. The folks there wondered how I could shoot a flintlock weapon that well. I told them when you shoot enough and practice enough, it's like scratching an itch. It's that old Greybeard adage, " It's not what you use, but how well you use it!"
*I started hunting when I was young. Yeah, I saw "BAMBI", but , I got over it.
** A hunter never apologizes to his prey; He just thanks it for the contest.
***What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. --Thomas Jefferson