A few days ago I received 100, 6.5 X 54 MS cases and got my reloading kit in order. I reloaded 4 cases with 120 grain Sierra bullets and 4 cases with 140 grain Sierra bullets and both were propelled by 32 grains of IMR 4895 powder.
At 25 yards the 120 grain bullets were on point of aim and Windage was perfect. The 140 grain bullets made ONE-HOLE, 1 inch Low ,at 25 yards and Dead Center.
The Moral of this Story is: One cannot fire a rimmed cartridge in a rimless chamber, but the inverse it true. My rimless 6,5X54 brass fired and extracted and I merely lifted the fired case out of the boltway and went on shooting. The 5-round clips accommodated the rimless cartridges about 85% judicious running the bolt provided fine reliable feeding.
Adam Helmer