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Old 03-21-2005, 10:36 PM
SeaBreeze SeaBreeze is offline
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Location: Beaufort NC
Posts: 16
Question 870 super mag

I got an 870 super mag a couple of years ago from my wife for an anniversary present. Has anybody else had trouble with it jaming and not ejecting the 3&1/2 's? Cost me a couple of deer this past year and a load of ducks and swan the past couple of years. Also why would it of rusted the very first time i took it shooting woodies. I had soaked it in oil right after i bought it and a couple of days before i used it. I ended up having to paint it with rustoleum this year. Any ideas?
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Old 03-21-2005, 10:56 PM
SuperMagnum SuperMagnum is offline
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I had a 870 super mag express and I did have problems with it jamming at first, but it turned out it was only because I was short chucking it which is common with people who switch from a 2 3/4" action to a 3 1/2" action gun as the 3 1/2" guns have a slightly longer stroke. I never had a problem after that except with some bad winchester shells. Rusting is common with the express model because it has a low cost finish and is actually made to be abused so that's why it's always a good idea to wipe it down and oil it after every time you take it out and you should be fine. I would have kept the gun but my friend wanted it back so I ended up getting a 870 super mag wingsmaster which is alot nicer and shoots the 3.5" shells without any problems and doesn't rust with the gloss finish.
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Old 03-21-2005, 11:09 PM
SeaBreeze SeaBreeze is offline
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Location: Beaufort NC
Posts: 16

Thanks Super
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