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Old 08-27-2005, 07:29 PM
gumpokc gumpokc is offline
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remington 722 question

OK i know the basic history on the 721/722/700 line, but can anyone point out any "major" differences between the 700 and the 722?

Was looking over grandad's rifle, giving it a periodic cleaning and rubdown. rem 722 .300 savage serial # 171xxx and just got curious about it.

from what i've been told, basically the 721 was the long action. 722 was the short action, and the 700 was a much nicer cross of both that came along much later.
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Old 08-27-2005, 08:31 PM
Boyd Heaton Boyd Heaton is offline
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I prefer the 722 and 721 over the 700....I just built (last winter) a heavy 1000 yard BR gun for my daughter on a 721.Its the closest thing to a custom YOU will get.IMHO..
EagleValley OffRoaders 4x4 and OffRoad Club
Central Pa
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Old 08-27-2005, 09:16 PM
gumpokc gumpokc is offline
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Nods Boyd, i probably should have said "more options" instead of "nicer".

I have considered chaning some stuff on grandad's rifle, but decided against it., it's in excellant mechanical shape, metal finish is good, wood coul duse a light sanding and finish, but otherwise great shape, and i'll keep it just the way he did.

If i want to build one later on, i'll go haunt some gunshops till i find one to rebuild.
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