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Old 07-15-2005, 12:03 AM
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Rifle & Cartridge opinions

Opinions please. Weatherby Mark V Accumark in .300 Weatherby Mag or Kimber 8400M Classic in .300 WSM? Why?
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Old 07-15-2005, 03:04 AM
gd357 gd357 is offline
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If I were going to be doing a lot of hiking with the gun, I'd choose the Kimber. If not I'd go with the Weatherby. The kimber is a lighter gun, and therefore easier to carry all day. Also, if ammo cost is a consideration, the wsm would most likely be easier on the wallet (if you reload, this isn't a concern).

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Last edited by gd357; 07-15-2005 at 03:09 AM.
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Old 07-15-2005, 03:30 PM
PJgunner PJgunner is offline
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Neither. One, I don't like the .300 Weatherby as I feel it is way overrated. Also, Ol' Roy sure is proud of his ammo. So darn proud that it it, IMHO, way overpriced. I also think his rifles are ugly as hell, not to mention fairly heavy.
Two, Kimber makes a nice rifle, but I do wonder about the longevity of the .300 WSM? I have an early Kimber in .223, and the rifle is a jewel. It's also much better looking than the Weatherby. While the possibility of losing one's ammo on a far out trip in the boonies is fairly slight, it does happen. Just what are the chances of running into a remote store that has WSM ammo in any caliber? Not too good I'm afarid. Also, way out in the boonies, even if you ran into another hunter, what are the chances he would be using a .300 WSM, and would he even give or sell you any if he did have that cartridge?

My suggestion would be to consider the .300 Win. Mag., if you're looking for a 30 caliber magnum. The difference in range from the Weatherby is probably no more than about 25-50 yards less, and that is so far out that most people shouldn't shoot at game that far out anyway. You can most likely find ammo in any little backwoods store, and in standard loads is about half the price of the Weatherby's. Currently, I have three rifles in .300 Win. Mag., two Ruger #1s a #1B and a #1S and a Winchester M70 with a 26" barrel and synthetic stock. Weight is only 7.5 pounds with scope, sling and ful magazine. factory abortion recoil pad was replaces with a Pachmeyr Decelerator pad and a trigger job. The gun shoots standard Winchester factory ammo into one inch, and the Winchester premium stuff into 1.25" My handloads do .75".

I did get to shoot a .300 WSM once, and it is not a bad round. Maybe, if I didn't already have my .300 Win. rifles, I might consider one, as they are very accurate. At least the one I shot was.

Anyway, I just thought that as long as you were looking at 30 caliber magnums, you should consider the .300 Win. Mag. as well. Didn't mean to hijack the thread.
Paul B.
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Old 07-16-2005, 01:36 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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sit on it awhile do some more research, maybe shoot some rifles. more than likly the wsm weatherby itch will go away, leaveing you with the 300win, it does everything anywhere.

i wanted 300wsm pretty bad for awhile, got to hearing reports on them. shot a 270wsm for awhile. started realizeing that it was just a glamorised 270win.

im smaller caliber lighter recoiling kinda guy, my main everything rifle is my 2506. but the 270win has done moe good for over 12 years now and has taken its share of deer and elk.

picked up the 300win in used ruger tang safety. have a thing for the tangs. rifle shoots realy good and will be used when im hunting for big game. elk and bigger.
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