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Old 11-30-2008, 10:05 PM
Minihuntur's Avatar
Minihuntur Minihuntur is offline
Enfield lover
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Central Saskatchewan
Posts: 192
4x4,- or 4x1 if wanna call it that

4x4,- or 4x1 if wanna call it that

This is the story of my /08 deer-He had 3 points broken off and a big gash on his right side ear! (and a huge neck, wow he was a scrapper!)
Technically all 8 score as points, and he has a pretty good spread, AND HE WAS CHUNKY! Giant body on that bugger! I bumbed my scope off sight in and had to use my cousin's .308 win. semi-auto winchester model 100 (with 2 clips , BAD IDEA!). 200yds, full trot, miss, miss, THUMP!!!, I did'nt hear it, but my brother did. I shattered his pelvis and therefore disabled his hid legs, but he kept movin'! I shot once more anbd changed clips, then kept shootin'. I hit him once more in his low spine killing him. The digital camera broke so I cant get apic up, but i'll try to soon.
P.S. Anyone know where in saskatoon I can get this special trophy mounted for cheap?
Happiness is a full clip.
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