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Old 08-22-2007, 02:03 PM
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Lilred Lilred is offline
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Good Recipe fer ya'll

Doin all this cannin, I been cookin alot of vegetable dishes. Too many of I started cookin some sweets to boot. Really, in all honest, who dont love sweets? I been cannin string beans and got the cravin fer some pralines. Well...iffin ya aint had a praline...OMG...yer have been denied a human right.

So, while I eat's the recipe fer pralines. now mind you, you can add what you like to em. Fer instance, pecans er almonds, orange bits, whatever ya like.

ya need:

1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 teaspon vanilla
1/2 cup cream
1 teaspoon butter
2 cups of yer fave thing to add

Boil the sugar & cream on med heat. It's ready when it forms a ball in cold water. (take a bit out on a spoon and put it in a bowl of cold'll take a few seconds...but it will form a thick dough ball)
Add butter & vanilla. Remove from heat and beat until it's creamy. Add yer fixins of choice and stir.
Drop batter on wax paper and let it sit until it gets firm.

That's it! Pralines....they are so good
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Old 08-22-2007, 03:29 PM
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Gunslingergirl Gunslingergirl is offline
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They sound good. I'll have to try that recipe.

Maybe with almonds.

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Old 08-22-2007, 03:40 PM
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GoodOlBoy GoodOlBoy is offline
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I like em with pecans or with walnuts. Ain't crazy about them made with almonds, and for whatever reason I can't even stand the smell of them when made with peanuts (and I like peanuts)

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