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Old 12-18-2007, 11:11 AM
Classicvette63 Classicvette63 is offline
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Thumbs up Have 2 new houseguests

On Saturday I went down to a rescue in Va. (12 1/2 hrs roundtrip ) and picked up 2 beagles, Bo and Luke. They had been there since June. Cute little buggers. I'm not going to hunt with them 'cause they won't hunt. That was why they were dropped off at the shelter. Guess they are about 1 or 2 yrs old.

Sure are inquisitive little guys. They just have to see everything I'm doing. They need some training but seem eager to learn. I'll post pics soon.
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Old 12-19-2007, 03:46 AM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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You can get some pretty nice pets at the Shelters if you want. We just adopted out a real mellow English Pointer pup and we just got in an interesting Mountain Kurr dog.
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Old 12-19-2007, 09:35 AM
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Classic that is great you saved those two guys. Beagles are great dogs.
Let us know what they do if they ever see a rabbit. Always thought if a beagle saw a photo of a bunny they'd go nuts.
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Old 12-19-2007, 06:30 PM
Classicvette63 Classicvette63 is offline
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Skinny, they go nuts if they see a squirrel. Since they don't "hunt" I don't know what they would do if they got ahold of one, but it probably wouldn't be good.

Figured out that everything and I mean everything has to be out of their reach. I put a cup of coffee on the table the other morning and walked back into the kitchen to get my cigs. Yep, I turned around and Luke has his nose in my cup drinking away.
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Old 12-20-2007, 06:21 AM
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Glad ya got both of em..I'm partial to a beagle...and even more partial to the names ya'll picked out fer em lol
Pics please!
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Old 12-20-2007, 09:58 AM
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"You can get some pretty nice pets at the Shelters if you want."

Yep, a friend got a call from a pound about 8 hours from here asking if he wanted another German Short Hair..... So he went over and picked up the young male, with papers. The dogs go for about $2k around here. He hunts like he was trained by the best.
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Old 01-03-2008, 04:56 AM
maineguy110 maineguy110 is offline
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sounds like you got a great pair of dogs had a friend who had a beagle that didnt hunt one day we took him out to where i knew rabbits where. i saw a rabbit humped up beside a ***** tree i put tree between us walked up reached around and dropped dog on top of the rabbit. rabbit took off like shot out of a cannon dog sat back on butt then took off on rabbit turned out to be a good hunter after that
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Old 01-13-2008, 06:35 PM
Valigator Valigator is offline
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Everyone says beagles are one of the nicest breeds to have...very vocal too I hear...good for you...
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Old 01-15-2008, 09:27 PM
denton denton is offline
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The Snoopy comic strip made a lot more sense to me after we got a beagle. They think they are people.

Ours was not allowed in the living room, and was very obedient about observing his limit. When we would have friends over, he would lie down in the hall, with his paws just over the line... and then do the best imitation he could of people talking. It was hilarious.

He was heck on rats. We have quite a few here, since we live close to the mountains, and they like to come down and make themselves at home. You'd see him every once in a while, marching around proudly with one in his teeth. Never saw rats with him in the yard.

Some beagles have a little bit of a vengeful side. If you discipline them, they will find something you like, and chew it up.

All in all, ours was a delight.
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Old 01-16-2008, 10:55 AM is offline
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Classic I don't know if you can 'train' a beagle. My experience with them and most dogs is the more they like you, the more they will do to make you happy. Beagles need taken to the woods often, run bunnies so they can learn all the tricks those little hairs have in their basket and they do have lots. I never called it training when doing things like teaching them the difference in a deer and a bunny. They know they are there to hunt but just 'what' to hunt is where the training would come in I guess...I have had a few beagles, and an irish setter that was trained off whistles...great ...most fun to me is the beagle. Love that sound. Have fun. Oh and if you do get to hunt with them, make darn sure you talk with who you hunt with. I had one of my best shot right in front of me by a meat hunter. Also if you watch those hunt shows on tv, you see some meat hunters shoot right over the dogs head....I can' t believe they do that with a shotgun...dogs have to take a few BB's..
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