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Old 01-16-2005, 05:22 PM
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Question Have you ever seen this toy pistol?

Hi Guys! Was wondering if anyone has any info on a toy Replica German Luger I have. This pistol was made by Wham-O toy company, I think back in 1949 or 1950. It is made of black plastic it shoots a bb out the barrel by firing a paper cap loaded at the reciever end . It is loaded at the muzzle with a regular size bb using a ramrod to seat the bb. Its called a Kruger 98 .12 caliber target pistol. The barrel has a steel sleeve in it. It is in like new condition and I have the box it comes in with all the literature and other items that came with it. I guess the idea was you can shoot this thing indoors at a target taped on a box and can save and reuse your bb's For indoor target practice. Pretty cool huh! Has anyone seen one of these or has any info on it, I would like to know its exact age and if it is worth anything. Anyone having any info can e-mail me at Anyone have one of these? Info Wanted . Thanks Roy
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File Type: jpg kruger pistol 2.jpg (164.2 KB, 2021 views)
In its day the six gun was as common as the cell phone, and just as annoying when it went off in the theater! Support Your Local Sportsmens Club and Join the NRA!
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Last edited by 6.5s4ever; 01-16-2005 at 09:46 PM.
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Old 01-16-2005, 05:28 PM
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Talking Another Picture of the Kruger

Heres another picture of it
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In its day the six gun was as common as the cell phone, and just as annoying when it went off in the theater! Support Your Local Sportsmens Club and Join the NRA!
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Old 01-16-2005, 07:34 PM
Rabid Rich Rabid Rich is offline
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Hey there 6.5,
Yep I sure have seen one of those pistols. They came out, if me old memory serves me, back in the late '50's. I saw them advertised in funny books. I finally got to look at one in a sporting goods store (thankfully) before I spent my $$ on one. It was advertised as having a "XX powder charge" which , as you already stated, was noting more that a cap for a cap pistol. I think the price of one was $9.95, complete with a 100 "rounds" of caps and lead BB's. The same size as the ones that fit the old Daisy all metal BB pistols. Hope someone else out there has some more info on it. As I said my memory ain't the best but I can vividly remember being very disappointed whenI got to meet one in person!!!
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Old 01-16-2005, 08:21 PM
quigleysharps4570 quigleysharps4570 is offline
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That is pretty neat 6.5, looks like new.
$9.95 was a bunch of money then for a toy, huh RR?
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Old 01-16-2005, 10:50 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Double R has it about right. That thing was out in the mid to late 50's and probably didn't sell too well cause that was a lot of money then. Ten bucks?? Heck I bought my first Colt SAA 38-40 in 1958 for 15 bucks...and to me it looked like new(was actually about 60-70%). Find the right person for that contraption and I think you will be surprised at the value now...especially in the box like that. Real nice...real nice!! By the way...I was pretty young in 1958

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Old 01-16-2005, 11:18 PM
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Old 01-17-2005, 05:33 AM
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Thanks for the comments Skeet, I had just recieved an E-Mail from Wham-O corporation and since that company has been sold several times they dont have any history on it. They said try E-Bay. I have not seen any thing like this yet on E-Bay. Roy
In its day the six gun was as common as the cell phone, and just as annoying when it went off in the theater! Support Your Local Sportsmens Club and Join the NRA!
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Old 01-17-2005, 10:03 AM
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OOOOPPPSSS is right...Course TD hasn't ever done this kinda stuff before

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Old 01-17-2005, 10:30 AM
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I've never seen one. I can only vaguely recall the comic book ads - which is odd because I'm such a gun guy.

Just a sneaky hunch, but I wouldn't fire that one. If it IS unfired in the box with the instructions and original ammo/cap supply, it would make a helluva stir on Antiques Roadshow!

Could be worth a fortune.

(Oh, and I fixed the "oops")
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Old 01-17-2005, 10:39 AM
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Thumbs up

Rocky, As far as I know it is unfired ,and all the bb ammo and caps are with it. They even supplied pipe cleaners to clean the barrel out with after firing it .They suggest using Hoppes#9 Solvent for barrel cleaning.
In its day the six gun was as common as the cell phone, and just as annoying when it went off in the theater! Support Your Local Sportsmens Club and Join the NRA!
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Old 01-17-2005, 03:46 PM
quigleysharps4570 quigleysharps4570 is offline
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The good guy that I am...I'll give you a brand spanking new $20.00 bill for the package. Double what it cost new. Don't think on it long...I'm liable to change my mind and then you'll be stuck with it.
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Old 01-17-2005, 03:55 PM
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WoW! Quigley Sharps! Your a real pal alright .But sorry my gunsmith offered me $50.00 and said the same thing. I would like to find someone that knows more about this thing. Age and such maybe it wasnt on the market long!
In its day the six gun was as common as the cell phone, and just as annoying when it went off in the theater! Support Your Local Sportsmens Club and Join the NRA!
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Old 01-17-2005, 05:08 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Hey Rocky...saw ya moved the oops. Thanks!! If that thing is unfired it will surely be worth a whole lot more than you can imagine for a toy. Heck something like that probably wouldn't even be legal to make under tha laws we have now.

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Old 01-19-2005, 02:52 PM
PJgunner PJgunner is offline
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I remember those things. Vaguely. I had one of the ones they sold that looked like a Colt Buntline. I think I paid $3.95 for it, and take my word for it, they were a POS. At least the one I had was.
But, when I see Hubley cap cuns going for $100 and more, some much more, who knows, you might have a treasure.
Paul B.
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