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Old 02-28-2006, 02:32 AM
HKMark23 HKMark23 is offline
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Question Pressure Trace ?


Can anyone comment on RSI's pressure Trace System ?

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Old 01-16-2008, 05:25 AM
PaulS PaulS is offline
the irreverent reverend
Join Date: Aug 2000
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Posts: 62
It is one of the best tools that is available to the reloader to monitor pressures in his individual firearmes. The results mean little if the same loads are fired in a different firearm. Be that as it may, it provides an excellent way to safely work loads up in your firearms that are safe to shoot. You will note that it states in the information that one should never load beyond the recommended maximum loads.
As long as you are going to adhere to that anyway then measuring the pressure of the loads in your gun become less important than the same old reloading addage to start below maximum and carefully work your loads up the the most accurate in your gun. Once the level of accuracy that you are satisfied with is reached you could then test the pressure to find out what that data is for your loads.
The device and others like it are not intended to give imperial pressure data that is as accurate as commercial labs in computing pressure standards for a range of firearms.
Very much like chronographs, strain guages are tools to measure data that is only relevant to to your loads in your guns under the conditions that you test. It will do nothing to assist you in finding a more accurate load or even a faster load than testing done without it. You can use it to record the pressures discovered in this set of tests under these conditions. You should not expect to achieve the same results if you were to re-test the same loads at a later time.
Expert insurance

Last edited by PaulS; 04-03-2011 at 03:40 PM.
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