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Old 08-02-2005, 06:02 PM
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Lilred Lilred is offline
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Central VA
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For all you Civil War people..sad FYI

sunday was the last day that a train rode over high bridge, as they stopped runnin trains on that section of rail.
They are tryin to turn High Bridge into a "Rails For Trails" park.
For those of you who aint familiar...
High Bridge, when it was built fore the Civil War, was, as they claimed, the highest bridge in the U. S .of A. It is in Cumberland here..close to Farmville, VA. Durin Lee's retreat to Appomatox (which is now a 20 min drive from Farmville) the Rebels attempted to burn the bridge to git rid of the Yanks. It only slowed em down a lil..and after Farmville and the battle at Cumberland Church..they hauled freight to Appomatox w/ the Yanks right behind.

Since then, the top of the bridge was rebuilt in 1914, and until Sunday, was used to run coal by Norfolk Southern. The original brick pilins are still used w. the steel pilins to hold the bridge up. There were some awesome pics in the paper here..and iffin yer ever need to see that bridge...the view is awesome.
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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