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Old 08-09-2005, 05:33 PM
model 70 model 70 is offline
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7mm rem mag vs. .270win

so a few friends are getting into deer hunting this year. they all are looking for 7mm's. i tell them they ought to do it but in reality, these guys haven't shot much so other than LONG range capabilites, do they have any advantage over my .270?
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Old 08-09-2005, 05:50 PM
Varmint Hunter Varmint Hunter is offline
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Not really. The 270 is plenty of cartridge for hunting deer. The 7mm mags will provide an edge for long range (as you stated), being capable of handling higher BC bullets and delivering more energy to the targets over distance.

Out to 300yds the 270 should be fine.

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Old 08-09-2005, 09:13 PM
rem 700 rem 700 is offline
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Factor in the accuracy beyond 100 yards. Penetration, velocity and energy are both extremely over the 270. For deer, the 270 does the trick, but not as fast as a 7mm magnum. These guys don't sound like they have the ability of beyond 300 yards, and the 270 is definitely adequate to drop deer at that range. They have the edge in ballistics, but it comes down to shot placement, where the more experienced have the edge over the powerful gun.
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Old 08-10-2005, 10:30 AM
L. Cooper L. Cooper is offline
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For actual deer hunting in the real world, not just looking at numbers on paper, there is nothing that can be done with any 7mm Mag that cannot be done with the .270 Win. (except that ultra-long range stuff beyond 500 yards that some people do).

Of course the 7mm Mags will do anyting the .270 can do too. So it is basically irrelevant what cartridge is up the spout.

The characteristics of the rifle itself will be much more important to the enjoyment of the deer hunt that will the choice of cartridge. I find the .270 comes in much "nicer" deer rifles than the 7mm Mags. Without long barrels the Magnums lose much of their already small ballistic advantages. I really dislike long rifles for deer hunting, and the older I get the more I enjoy light rifles.
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Old 08-10-2005, 12:33 PM
bigbrother bigbrother is offline
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Having used both calibers on deer, I would opt for the big 7. From my point of view, I would choose a .243 (which I have for a long time) over the .270. Simple reason being it kills just as quick and has a lot less recoil. The .270's that I've shot all seem to recoil as much as my 7's have so I see no benefit in that realm. So if I'm going to use something bigger than a .243, I jump to the 7. It's a lot more comforting knowing that the deer is not going anywhere when you pull the trigger (those of you hunting in PA know exactly what I'm talking about). Every year I'm around a lot of people using the trusty .270 (as I'm sure most everyone is) and every year I've failed to be impressed. Maybe it's me, but I just don't get all the hype.
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Old 08-10-2005, 01:03 PM
rem 700 rem 700 is offline
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It all comes down to the capability of the hunter. And the 270 can't do all that the 7mm magnum can. Accuracy, velocity, power, penetration capabilities, and trajectory. The 270 can do all out to the 300 yard mark that the 7mm magnum can with deer sized game, but after that distance, I would opt for the 7mm. As for short range, they are equal.
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Old 08-10-2005, 02:03 PM
bosveldjag bosveldjag is offline
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I own both the .270 and the 7mm Rem Mag.

I would say that the .270 will do a fine job on deer up to 300yrds + a bit.
The 7mm RM will do better on the 300yrds + distances.

However, make sure that you use premium bullets in both calibres - they both can cause a lot of meat damage - especially the 7mm RM.

Só, meat hunters try and stick to the best quality bullets you can get.
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Old 08-10-2005, 03:25 PM
model 70 model 70 is offline
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300 yards? i've heard that's about the limit of the .243win. and this .270 i have burns alot more powder it seems.

over in the long range forum, they're talking about 500 yards shots with the .270

i looked at the ballistics. over 1000ft. lbs of ebnergy at 500 yards.
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Old 08-10-2005, 03:57 PM
rem 700 rem 700 is offline
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Model 70, I am referring that after 300 yards, the 7mm takes the advantage. I know a 270 is a 600 yard deer rifle, but not as effective as the 7mm magnum at those long ranges.
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Old 08-10-2005, 04:58 PM
Cal Sibley Cal Sibley is offline
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I'm not a big fan of magnums, yet I've always been fond of my 7mm Rem. Mag. It's a Remington 700BDL from the '80s, one of the earlier ones with the fleur de lys checkering. Weight and design is such that the recoil isn't all that hard to take. It'll still put 5 shots into less than an inch without turning me into a spastic cripple. Needless to say I'm quite biased. Had I went the .270Win. route I'd probably feel the same about it. I don't think there is any "best" here, merely two winners. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
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Old 08-10-2005, 07:48 PM
model 70 model 70 is offline
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i hear ya rem. i doubt these boys are gonna be hitting anything out past 300 yards.

i'll say it again, i'm glad i went with the .270 over the 7. when choosing a rifle i almost got a 7mm rem mag(just like dad shoots. it's his favorite) but for some reason went with the more mild .270win. maybe recoil and cost of ammo had something to do with it.
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Old 08-10-2005, 10:26 PM
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M70, like rem 700 says, out to 300 yards, you can`t tell the difference. I have killed many 150 lbs deer past 300 yards with a .223, so i would`nt worry about the 270 even at 600 yards. Hit something vital and they will die, period.
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Old 08-11-2005, 08:55 AM
Cossack Cossack is offline
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7mm v 270

Really not much difference for everyday deer hunting. The mag will recoil more which may affect accuracy for occasional shooters. It will give them a distace and trajectory edge if using the same weight bullets . It has a definite advantage for versatility because of the much more extensive bullet selection, both in types and weight, available for the mag...esp if one handloads.
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Old 08-27-2005, 06:45 PM
go to guy go to guy is offline
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Thumbs down

.270 sucks!!!!! 7mm is way beter!
Andrew R.
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Old 08-27-2005, 07:08 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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ive shot my 270win alot thousands of rounds in the last ten years. its recoil ive never liked. just recently within the last few years i fired a 7mm recoil was very similar to my 270win.

id also so that the hunters that shoot bigame past 400yds are speaclized bunch that shoot alot of bigger calibers than the 7mm and even some smaller but these arent your average ordinary hunters.

yes we all here may be able to take deer cleanly and comfortably but ill put my effective kill range at 300 and less. one because i havent been useing a range finder and at most times the deer wont let me pace to the them then back to take the shot. so if i can gustemate farily comfortably the deer is 300 or less then were good to if i think its farther i pass up the shot.

on the other hand ive guessed deer at farther than 300 but later found out the distance was actualy only about half that. sometimes its hard to judge distance while looking through the pine trees into other pines trees across a gully.

if these guys can handle the recoil and shoot the rifles well most any caliber will work for theyre intended purpose.

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