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Old 10-31-2005, 09:10 AM
Critch Critch is offline
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Scopes With No Front Bell

I was looking thru a Weaver V3 (1x3) the other day. I want it for my Ruger M77 RSI becuase it doesn't hit the rear sight. Anyway, it seems that I can see as well as I do with my 3x9x40's. I realize that it's low power and that makes a big difference, but what does the big bell on the front of other scopes really do?
I cried because I had no shoes, till I met a man who had no I asked him, "Can I have your shoes? You aren't using them."

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain
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Old 10-31-2005, 04:33 PM
Lone Star Lone Star is offline
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Very basically, it collects more light. The higher the scope power, the less light it transmitts. That's why a 3X scope can get by without a large objective lense, but a 9X needs a large one. The proliferation of 50+mm scopes is an outgrowth of this optical fact, allowing even more light on higher power scopes than with smaller objectives.
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Old 10-31-2005, 08:48 PM
Jack Jack is offline
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Lone Star is correct.
A very thumbnail generalization is that you'll get optimal light gathering if the front (objective) lens on a scope is 5x the power (magnification). The 20MM objective lens on the Weaver V3 gathers all the light the scope can utilize- a larger objective would add weight and bulk and give no advantage.
BTW, the Weaver V3 is a sweet little brush gun scope, and would look very nice on a Ruger RSI. Several fellows I hunt deer with (and myself) have been using the Weaver V3 for years- they hold up very well, and get the job done.
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Old 11-04-2005, 02:21 PM
Critch Critch is offline
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Thanks folks. I just ordered the Weaver for my rifle, they sold the one I was looking at.

I must have been asleep during the physics class that dealt with optics, I have never understood lenses and such.
I cried because I had no shoes, till I met a man who had no I asked him, "Can I have your shoes? You aren't using them."

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain
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