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Old 11-05-2005, 10:35 PM
Drew_CarreyAB's Avatar
Drew_CarreyAB Drew_CarreyAB is offline
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Well, I guess it's just ME!!!!!!!

I have been out for the last 3 of the 5 days in the season and I had sighted everything in and I was under the impression that I was ready to go......Well as stated, I went out hunting and IF everything went right I woulda had 1 tag out of the 6 left to fill(not including the cow moose tag). Ranged most of the shots and the furthest one was 180yds (shooting the MZ). I knew with the load I am using where to hold over for the shot BUT I watched the deer run for like 300yds after the shot, then walked over and followed the tracks for a bit to see if I could see some blood/hair etc etc, NONE...........So after 3 days of this I got concerned and Tox and I went to the range and found that the MZ is STILL 3" high at 100yds and after missing a doe with the red dot (on the .303) I "Borrowed" my dad's scope from his .22(with permission LOL) and now it's re-sighted in for 3" high at 100yds too............let the hunt begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I think I have the confidance (sp) to shoot again. I was pretty down at missing them there deer, but I guess my not hunting for 2 years got to me (gasp, buck fever LOL) now I hope to calm my nerves for the next while..........
Canadian Redneck - Lacombe District - Alberta Division
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Old 11-06-2005, 11:25 PM
kt kt is offline
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its not just you, let he who has not missed cast the first stone. it will happen for you, i must admit i hate when i cant blame my equipment. one thing i am wondering about is if that rimfire scope is a rimfire scope. if it is it might not keeps its POI with the kick of a big gun.
keep at it
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