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Old 11-06-2005, 05:22 AM
Andy L Andy L is offline
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Camo Patterns and Types

Whats your favorite camo's? Whats your favorite pattern? What style?

A few of us were talking about it the other day and there were so many different ideas just among local friends, I thought it would be interesting to see how many opinions there are over a crowd this diverse.

I have been pretty well sold on ASAT (All Season All Terrain), 3D camo the last few years. Very well made and the pattern is as versitle as anything I have ever had on. I have used it in the spring, fall and winter around here, as well as in the desert. It seems to do just what it says, all terrain, all season.

I like the 3D idea because of the shadows and it just seems to blend well anywhere. I sit alot of times on a stool in tall yellow grass and Im hid as well as anywhere. I also like the mesh idea. Put it on over anything, whether its 80 degrees or 10 below.

The idea behind it and the pattern is along the same lines as Ghillie Suits. Only not nearly as hot or heavy. Actually just the opposite, mesh and light.

Only con I have found is crossing barbwire fences and briar patches. You gotta clear everything or it will catch a leaf on a barb and it can put you in some really sensitive situations sometimes.....

What do you like and wear?

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Old 11-06-2005, 05:56 AM is offline
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All depends on the seasons In winter/ snow camo.....early archery/ either woodland or mossy oak break-up. Depends on if in woods or thicker cover. This is used in spring turkey also. Now with the leaf changes, I stick to my Alpenflage. The swiss camo. The first time I seen this in action, I almost stepped on the guy. It blends in so well with the fall colors and as far as I feel even at a distance it is almost undetectable. As far as camo gun/ self painted and at times hard to find shotgun if lay down to dress game so need to keep close eye on it and gather everything before leaving. I know there are so many choices out there and even have the leafy outfit but I think it moves a little at times when you don't want it to..And lots of times is a good idea to swap one top camo pattern with a different bottom...All but with the Alpenflage...I'm sold on it and there are so many pockets with it it is hard to find anything. Also comes with built in hood and even a face mask incorporated into it.
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Old 11-06-2005, 06:52 AM
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Since I live in a desert, I let the military do my research for me. I just buy desert BDUs and I'm good to go.

The new digital patterns are great, BTW. I have a set of desert tans, and the Army or Marine versions look great for places where there is green vegetation.

I also like Naturalflage. Their designs are very good indeed. I use Naturalflage snow patterns when I'm not in BDUs.
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Old 11-09-2005, 12:27 PM
DaMadman DaMadman is offline
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Originally posted by Rocky Raab
Since I live in a desert, I let the military do my research for me. I just buy desert BDUs and I'm good to go.

The new digital patterns are great, BTW. I have a set of desert tans, and the Army or Marine versions look great for places where there is green vegetation.

I also like Naturalflage. Their designs are very good indeed. I use Naturalflage snow patterns when I'm not in BDUs.
when I was in Texas recently I almost got a hold of some of that digital camo for free, from the prison down there. a Buddy of mine was working with the prison guards and they told him that one of the wards in the prison makes that digital camo for the military. When sewn together all the patterns have to line up or they reject the final product for military use. Some of the prison guards can get the stuff that is rejected and they were supposed to get me and my buddy some but the guy never came through.

They say that digital stuff is the best on the market for total concealment and braking up your outline.
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Old 11-10-2005, 08:55 AM
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icequeen icequeen is offline
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We kinda mix and match. We've got Mossy Oak, Realtree, and Nunavut Hunter. Most of the areas we hunt are thick bush so what we wear depends on the type of bush, and the season. Course there are times it doesn't make a whole lot of difference since we have to wear blaze orange.
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