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Old 03-09-2006, 09:59 AM
Steverino Steverino is offline
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Winchester Model 70

I'm just curious as to what folks think about the market value of the Model 70 (pre-64 as well as current) with the halting of production on this model by Winchester.

I have never personally owned one but did have the opportunity to shoot a friend's pre64- 70 (Classic model, I believe)in 30.06 and was impressed with the accuracy and overall fit and feel of the rifle. Am I correct also in that the pre 64's had the barrels cut rifled in their manufacturing process which ultimately proved cost prohibitive by Winchester and is attributes to the better shot groupings when compared to the modern Model 70's? Were there also differences in the claw extractor?

I've wondered as to whether another company will take up these models (along with the Model 94) at some point down the road. I don't really have a "need" for another bolt gun but wouldn't mind owning a little piece of history. On one hand, there are a bizillion of these things out in circulation from hunters throughout the generations, however, it stands to reason that once the factory stops these offerings, the value would be increased.

I am not and spose could never be a collector because I would need to shoot whatever hardware takes up residence in my gunsafe. That's just how it is with me Still though...I am a little sappy about these models going away.

As always folks, appreciate all of your insightful commentary1
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Old 03-09-2006, 10:10 PM
Mike Moss Mike Moss is offline
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I am a M70 fan. I got my first one new in 1957 and while it's rebarreled now it's still a primary varmint rifle. Since then I have aquired more and have a nice battery that covers any CF rifle use.

Since 1963 they started making the CRF version again and some of those are nice guns too.

I would just keep looking and finding out the values. Remember that if you buy a junker then it will never be orginal but could be refinished. I much prefer M70's as original as possible except that I like a pad added.

The Featherweights appeal to me much more as the old M70's in standard cartridges were way too heavy.

I would not over react. Somebody will be making M70's again. Meanwhile there are millions of them out there.
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Old 03-10-2006, 10:52 AM
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You can go to gunbroker. com, or and check prices.
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Old 03-10-2006, 11:07 AM
Steverino Steverino is offline
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I checked all of the local shops and they are pretty well cleaned out of any of the 70 models with wood stocks-only synthetics are left in scarce caliber offerings.

One of the calls that I made yesterday was to my states BPS. Timing is everything. The department manager just put the last Model 70 Featherweight Classic back out on the rack after somebody had placed it on "hold" for the past couple of weeks-promising to return with cash but never coming back.

After considering my monthly budget allowance offerings, I pleaded my case successfully with my wife and drove down to take a look at it. If it shoots half as good as it looks, I'll be a happy camper! The action is very smooth and the wood is really very nice with very sharp,deep checkering. The bluing also looked very well done. I thought it was a good value for the money.

I purchased it for $630 which also seemed considerably cheaper than the offerings I have seen on the online auction-selling sites.

I pick it up tomorrow and am hoping to get it out to the range on Sunday but don't know if I will with my "New and Improved" honey-do list!

Oh well...I suppose that it's only fair. As far as I'm concerned, as long as you can afford a new rifle without putting yourself in hock, any excuse to add to your shootin' irons is a good one.

I guess that I found mine! Thanks for the input (as always folks!)
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Old 03-10-2006, 05:59 PM
Gil Martin Gil Martin is offline
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Model 70s

Sounds like you did OK and snagged a decent rifle. I like to see what I am buying and rarely would ever buy guns on line.

I have been buying Winchester Model 70s since 1977 and have quite a few including pre-'64s, post-'64s and Classic rifles. I look over the used gun racks just about on a weekly basis. Very few decent and affordable used Model 70s are turning up in the local gun shops. There are a lot of used Winchesters around and if you want one, they will show up eventually. All the best...
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Old 03-11-2006, 11:10 AM
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Unless you want the new short mag action in a wssm, or 7wsm, they can`t give those away. Local shops are full of them.
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Old 03-13-2006, 06:56 AM
Steverino Steverino is offline
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In my neck of the woods, the shops are plum cleaned-out of any 70 offering with a wood stock within 150 miles of me. Some Shadow and Coyote synthetic models are still available but pickings are slim in calibers (short, long, WSM, )

The online auction sites and GA still have plenty of variety though.
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Old 03-13-2006, 08:15 PM
Dan Morris Dan Morris is offline
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If you have shot and fondeled a pre 64, you know why they are bringing a premium! Meanwhile, price of my Winchested steel
is going up! Glad I latched on to them.
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Old 03-14-2006, 03:06 PM
Classicvette63 Classicvette63 is offline
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I have a pre '64 Super Grade '06 that I bought from my hunting buddys widow. I really don't care what it's worth 'cause you couldn't get it out of my hands for all the whiskey in Ireland. Amazing how money goes out the window when there is a sentimental attachment.
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