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Old 04-02-2006, 02:48 PM
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Tater Tater is offline
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Gonna start my own cache

I got with a friend of mine, who's into geocaching, and we're going to hide a cache. I found a neat spot last year while hiking and I have a bunch of old ammo cans laying around so I figured it would be a nice way to spend a day. There are also caches in the area so, after we hide ours, we can go find some others. Anyway, has anyone ever hidden a cache? What kind of cache was it? What did you put in it? I'm thinking of putting some little knick-knacks, a log/guest book and maybe a small disposible camera. Of the caches you've found, what was in them? Where were they hidden? Any interesting cache hunting stories? I'm gonna go see if I can figure what all to put in. Happy hunting.
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Old 04-03-2006, 05:06 AM
Hawkeye6 Hawkeye6 is offline
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I had a log-book and just some misc. stuff in one for a while.

I'm probably going to do one again this spring sometime. Its kind of neat to see haow often it gets found -- or how infrequently !!
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