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Old 04-11-2006, 02:40 PM
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Model 63 Smith .22 Kit Gun

I found a great deal on a used, but good condition Model 63. This is a Stainles, 4 inch .22 with adjustable sights.
I have a Model 34, but have wanted one of these little Stainless revolvers for some time.
I ordered 'woods carry' leather today from Sam Andrews. Full flap, cross draw, and in a dark stain.
I installed a pair of Hogue's rubber boot grips already.
At the range, the little revolver shoots into two inches or less at 7 to 25 yards, with CCI Stingers.
This will be a great little hiking and hunting revolver.
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Old 04-11-2006, 10:12 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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I also have a 4 inch 63 and it is a pleasant handgun to shoot. Accurate etc and no real recoil. The only hting is mine shoots really high and i can't bring it down any more. But the groups are great. You're gonna love that little gun

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Old 09-04-2006, 11:22 PM
Mickey Rat Mickey Rat is offline
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I got mine in 1982 with my last 165.00. I got some more money now, and I still got the 63. One of the better decisions I ever made. Mine came with Pachymer grips and shoots same as yours. My sone never manage to wear it out. I guess It has had 15,000 rounds thru it and still shoots great.
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Old 09-05-2006, 03:04 AM
Brant Buster Brant Buster is offline
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M63 Kitgun ......

Too bad that great little piece is only a six-shooter and not an 8, or 9, or ten-shooter! Fine little pistol.

So you shoot Stingers?

You might try shelving them in favor of CCI's Quik Shok's (basically the same as a Stinger - same velocity and bullet weight), but the Quik Shok's bullet is prefragmented into four peices when it impacts. Also, the Velocitor is another CCI wonder-round with a GoldDot -type 40 grain HP bullet, the fastest in it's class as well.

I've shot both rounds in a 4 5/8" Ruger Std MkI, and noticed quite a significant increase in power and report over usual rounds. The CCI Stinger would be my third choice to the other two CCI rounds if I ran out of them.

Too bad the M63 Kitgun is now a rare commodity.
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