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Old 07-08-2006, 12:01 AM is offline
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I see not much action in this forum so figured I would make a mark in the crow season is on and I guess it is a good time to get my new pa license dirty...then do some whistle pig hunting while I am out on the farms...going to be a nice weekend...did get 5 hogs in about an hr the other day....have a new cow tape that so far bings them in by the droves when played in my truck radio...the best tape so far....happy hunting to all
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Old 07-08-2006, 07:31 AM
popplecop popplecop is offline
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Could use a copy of that Cow tape, ol cow dog is lame and deaf. Your lucky our crow season doesn't open til Sep't. and the 2nd one is in Jan. Would trade the fall one for a summer one. Groundhog hunting is taboo here, only landowners can destroy if doing damage. So enjoy your summer hunts. Take care.
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Old 07-09-2006, 12:41 PM is offline
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Posts: 1,086 sometimes the fingers get a little ahead of the brain...oh is tough getting old...yes I do think we are lucky to have such seasons to hunt during the summer months..I just wish they would make ....crows...longer than just friday,saturday,sunday...I been hounding the PGC to do so since they migrate and is a chance of bird flu.....but no luck yet.
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Old 07-09-2006, 04:37 PM
quigleysharps4570 quigleysharps4570 is offline
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Like calling them too. Our season is November-March though.
"cow tape"
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Old 02-24-2008, 05:26 PM
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RagingBullPa RagingBullPa is offline
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try using a turkey call turkeys hate crows they react to a crow call so use reverse tactics , i do it works here in northeast pa
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Old 02-24-2008, 08:25 PM is offline
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ya know with all the worry about bird flue and things from the migrating birds, I contacted the PGC about getting crow season opened other than just friday, saturday and sundays..... that would give more people the chance to hunt them thus reducing the overpopulation of the crows..and lessening the chance of them spreading diseases... that had been stated just the other day ....Pittsburgh pa is over run with Crows..made the headlines...but they don't want to let us hunt them other than the weekend...other pa hunters need to let the PGC know we need longer season on them....
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Old 02-24-2008, 09:48 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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The number of crows in Maryland is utterly nuts. I live by a flyway, and the buggers roost in downtown Rockville and Bethesda during the night by the 100,000's, if not millions. They are smart too. Nobody can legally discharge a firearm in Rockville or Bethesda by county ordinance, and rightly so because there isn't a farm in sight. The crows then fly up I-270 where nobody can shoot at them because both sides of I-270 are built up. About the only place the get into trouble is when they get up to my place and enter farm territory. A friend and I used to skip law school class in the morning and hunt them a couple of miles down the road from me. That was some great fun because we were in their morning flyway path. Killed 42 in one morning and then went to class. My dad and I tied that record one day using a crow calling tape. Sad thing is, my friend and I didn't have a tape the day we killed 42 because we were both poor back then. We used mouth calls and stuck a crow decoy up high in a metal pole along a fence line. Those crows couldn't resist flying by that decoy.

Our crow season goes from August 15 to March 15 on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Groundhog season is year round and I don't think a license is needed.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 02-24-2008, 11:07 PM
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as far as the PGC doing anything the hunter wants , that will be the day i've hunted here for well over 40 years , and they haven't done anything corecctly or followed through with any good idea no matter what or who brought up any issues , to much political bull crap here in Pa , take a look at some of your commissioners, and read up on them politics got them there not us sportsmen we don't vote on our game commisioners which i think we should i've been trying to get our local lawmakers to listen and was told don't buck the system
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