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Old 10-08-2008, 08:27 PM
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Savage 1899B 32-40

been tryin to talk my neighbor out of this iron for quite a while and he finally said yes...and then I got him to cut his price in half.
I'd call the rifle 99% with the only mark a small"dent"pen tip size on the top right edge of the forestock,right beside the barrel halfway between front and back.
chambered in 32-40 with a full octagon barrel and lookin like it just came of the shelf,I think I have to have it.fact I know I do.

any one have any idea what it's "really" worth?

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Old 10-12-2008, 10:16 AM
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guess I'll reply to this thread myself...

since "most" savage 1899 and 99 rifles are selling around the $500 mark up here since they stopped makin them...
and since this 1899 is a bit of a rarity from what I can find...
and since the condition is like new...
I think this iron is "priceless"

next gun show i'm bringin a box of 32-40 rounds home with me to keep the ol sav there's an indian uprising or such

thanks for all the replies/opinions...much appreciated.
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Old 10-12-2008, 06:53 PM
Dan Morris Dan Morris is offline
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No comment, I honestly do not remember ever seeing one of these!!!! Granted, it should be worth a $$$ or two.

Not that I haven't seen 99's....just not one that you describe!!!!
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Last edited by Dan Morris; 10-15-2008 at 07:47 AM.
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Old 10-14-2008, 04:59 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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According to the 29th. addition of the Blue Book the model 1899B in 100 % is worth $ 1,200, in 98% $1,050, in 95% 875, in 90% $ 750 and in 80% $650.
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Old 10-14-2008, 05:40 PM
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My father-in-law gave me a '99 in .30-30.. unfor it is not in 60% condition, but it was a well used gun.

I look forward to taking it out for a bush gun one of these days.
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Old 10-15-2008, 07:18 AM
Steverino Steverino is offline
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I have always liked the simple styling and functionality of the Savage Model 99's. I had the opportunity to borrow a friends 99 in .308 when I was in high school and we deer hunted with his relatives in Wisconsin. I never took an animal that day of hunting but I did enjoy how it carried, pointed, and shot (the previous day plinking) His 99 was also well worn from years of hunting as it had been his fathers "go-to " gun back in the day.

I always told myself that if I happened to come across one that was in good condition and I happened to have some extra dough on me, I would like to pick one up.

My brother recently purchased a Remington semi-auto from a neighbor for use a woods brush gun. This is what he should have picked up! (No disrespect, of course, to you Remington fans out there!)

I recall reading at one time that the Savage Model 99 was discontinued due in large part to the cost of manufacturing with all of the hand-fitting necessary for this model. Is this true?
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Old 10-15-2008, 04:15 PM
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thanks for the book values catfish,I guess the $500 he will take is a good price.
I have 2 99's already
an unknown model in .300 sav(the model designation on the receiver is an N but I've never seen or heard of an N)it is closest to a G or EG but not quite.Had a Lyman 1A combination tang site on it when I bought it... no matter,it shoots good and is a very nice rifle.
a 99a in 250-3000 that I have carried for years.I carry 75gr.hollow points and 100 gr sp on the buttstock and shoot whatever needs shootin.

sold a 99c in 243 years back that I should have kept as I bought a 22-250 barrel from Numerich arms some years ago but need a V thread receiver for it...and will not unscrew the 250!!!

from what I understand about the reason for stopping production it was more to do with worn out tooling and the price of renewing it...which may have been the cause of needing the hand fitting.

I'll post a pic when I bring this iron home...
thanks all!
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Old 10-16-2008, 05:32 AM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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Are you sure it`s not an M. The M was on alot of different models and it ment it had a Monte Carlo stock.
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Old 10-16-2008, 10:55 PM
gumpokc gumpokc is offline
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$500 is about the lowest price i see nowdays for any model 99 in decent shape, alot of time closer to$600-$700.

Grandad had a 99c (now my uncle has it), I have a 99c both are .300 savage.

My dad has a 99 in .308win but has the box mag instead of the rotery.

I am always keeping my eyes open for a 99 in .250-300, but havent seen one in a long time in oklahoma :/
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Old 10-17-2008, 11:19 AM
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Originally posted by Catfish
Are you sure it`s not an M. The M was on alot of different models and it ment it had a Monte Carlo stock.
not an "M" and no monte carlo stock.It is definitely a deep,clean,well formed "N"

under the magnifying glass it's the same...tried to get a good pic of it but couldn't get focus close enough...the serial number makes it post 1951...

gumpokc-love my's my favorite everyday iron.
My uncle has an old model .250-3000 with the lever lock thats mine when it's not his anymore
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Old 10-18-2008, 03:05 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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If it is a post war gun it is not a model 1899 it is a model 99 and the prices I gave you are were for an 1899, I have no idea what you have as I can find nothing about an N model.
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Old 10-18-2008, 10:08 PM
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catfish-the "N" is a model .300 sav.

I have 2 99's already
an unknown model in .300 sav

found dies for the 32-40 from Lee

took a couple of hours and drove to the city...the big gun store had a couple of boxes of 32ws rounds but not a component for the 32-40...

think I'll pick it up tomorrow.
A shootin iron is a tool used for shootin
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Old 10-19-2008, 01:14 AM
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catfish-the "N" is a model .300 sav.

I have 2 99's already
an unknown model in .300 sav

found dies for the 32-40 from Lee

took a couple of hours and drove to the city...the big gun store had a couple of boxes of 32ws rounds but not even bullets for the 32-40...

think I'll pick it up tomorrow.
A shootin iron is a tool used for shootin
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Old 10-19-2008, 01:16 AM
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catfish-the "N" is a model .300 sav.

I have 2 99's already
an unknown model in .300 sav

found dies for the 32-40 from Lee

took a couple of hours and drove to the city...the big gun store had a couple of boxes of 32ws rounds but not even bullets for the 32-40...

think I'll pick it up tomorrow.
A shootin iron is a tool used for shootin
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Old 10-20-2008, 12:42 PM
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holy triple post...sorry folks it wasn't loading on this end...

and yes the "N" has me is definitely and very clearly an "N" though
A shootin iron is a tool used for shootin
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