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Old 06-03-2009, 05:03 AM
jplonghunter jplonghunter is offline
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6.5 Creedmoor

As everyone knows that have read my posts,I am a fan of the 6.5 calibers. I have been reading on the 6.5 Creedmoor, developed by Hornady, and like the numbers. Anyone have a take on the Creedmoor vs. 6.5x47 Lapua or .260 Rem.

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Old 06-03-2009, 12:00 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Not to rain on anyone's parade

But it just seems as though these new calibers are just another way to sell more rifles..You know, like all the new and improved crap that comes along

My question is always...what does the new and improved do that the old things didn't?? The answer is usually....NOTHING!!

Now to explain myself..look at the new superduper 30 cals that are out there. Other than doing about 50 ft a second more at a lot higher pressure in a new ugly plastic stocked gun that costs more..they ain't so hot!!.

the ol 6.5x55 does anything that a 260 Rem will do..the 7mm Mauser will do more than a 7-08..the 300 Ruger won't do what a 300 Win mag will do.. I guess I am just a contrarian..

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Old 06-03-2009, 02:52 PM
270man 270man is offline
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6.5 calibers

Some random thoughts on the 6.5s:

In general, I agree with Skeet on the "new and improved" stuff. However, I don't see the 260 in that category. Sure, the 6.5x55 has been around much longer but the 308 case has been necked up-and-down to everything else, so why not the 6.5 bullet (260 Rem). I now have a semi-custom 260 Rem based on a Rem 700 action and PacNor barrel. After having a gunsmith do his magic, I don't yet have the half-MOA rifle I had hoped for. Still have to do some stock bedding work and try different handloads, though.

I only know of the 6.5 Creedmoor based on magazine articles, and have deemed it a "target" caliber, where the 260 is more of a hunting caliber. High power silhouette competitors began with the 308Win and have gradually migrated down to 7mm-08 and even to the 243Win. The 260 is probably a better lower end silhouette caliber than the 243, and it provides a bit more killing power for deer and similar size game animals.

As for new and improved stuff, I've finally reached my limit and won't be acquiring any more calibers. All of mine are the old tried and true types, and I haven't seen the need to change. However, this shooting virus is pretty potent, so don't hold me to my pledge.

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Old 06-03-2009, 03:31 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Originally Posted by 270man View Post
Some random thoughts on the 6.5s:

In general, I agree with Skeet on the "new and improved" stuff. However, I don't see the 260 in that category.

270man.. The only thing I was trying to say is there are more and more cartridges created now days mainly so the companies can sell another rifle..and yes the 260 is in that class. There are other 264 cals out there that the 260 doesn't better. It may have a niche since it was wildcatted from the 308 but the 243 didn't have any other competitiors at the time.7-08 did as well as most of the new improved cals we seem to have today. You are right..the shooting "virus" is very persuasive to us..and I'm not saying that some of the calibers aren't useful...But to make a big deal about a rifle having a half inch shorter action and bolt throw...WOW....and a caliber making itself almost a twin of an older one but being able to do it in that short?? action just makes no REAL sense. My opinion ya unnerstand..Just what we need to separate us from our dwindling supply of money!! Oh, I'm sorry!! Nobama is gonna do that to us..?!

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