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Old 12-14-2010, 03:07 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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Loading for the .25-06

Just last week I began loading for the .25-06. My Christmas gift to me is a Savage Tactical Rifle in a Plaster Sniper Stock with bipod and 4X-12X-40MM scope. I picked up some RCBS dies and am loading Hornady 117 grain SPBT bullets ahead of IMR 4350 powder and CCI primers.

I fired my first test batch last Saturday when it was 45 degrees and sunny. I zeroed the scope and got some nice groups. I did not go to the backyard bench today because it was 7 degrees, and windy with a chill factor of -10 degrees.

I loaded up more test batches of 87 grain Remington HP bullets and 117 Hornadys with H4350 powder. If anyone has a "pet" .25-06 load with H4350 or IMR 4350, please advise me.

Adam Helmer
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Old 12-14-2010, 03:49 PM
357Maximum 357Maximum is offline
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117 gr sierra or hornady sst:
IMR 4350 @ 49 gr
or 53.5gr of R-22

IMR shoots .788'' at 3010fps
R-22 shoots .565" @ 3042fps
That's an X
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Old 12-14-2010, 06:06 PM
Gil Martin Gil Martin is offline
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Sounds like you did just fine with the new rifle. It is hard to go wrong with IMR4350 in a 25-06. All the best...
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Old 12-14-2010, 10:20 PM
Jack Jack is offline
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Adam, 4350 wouldn't be my first choice for the 25-06 with bullets over 100 grains in weight. One of the 4831's, 7828, Reloder 22 or 25, Hodgdon's new Hybrid 100V, or Accurate's 3100 or Magpro would all be powders I'd look at.
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Old 12-15-2010, 09:50 AM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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I have a supply of 4350, 4831, H414, etc., and will get around to testing all as the weather gets warmer for bench time. I never got into using any of the Reloader powders. Maybe now is the time to "cross over."

Adam Helmer
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Old 12-15-2010, 01:21 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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99% of my 25-06 reloading was done with the old H4831 Surplus which I still have a little bit of. I actually used at least 70 lbs of it over the years. Used it with the 87 90 and 100 gr bullets. Loaded very few heavier. 3100(used to be called 4831 data powder) is a good choice as is 414. Am considering the purchase of another Kimber in 25-06 right now. Like i need it. Would have bought it already but it is a plastic stocked one. Plastic leaves a bit to be desired for me.

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Old 12-15-2010, 07:12 PM
Jack Jack is offline
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I've used a bunch of 4350 and 4831 for various cartridges. As much as long stick powders annoy me, those 2 powders are really useful.
This summer I worked up loads for a 25-06 with 110 grain bullets, and I tried a couple new powders, mostly out of curiosity. Accurate Arms Magpro is a slow burning ball powder, and Hodgdon's H100V is actually a stick powder- but the sticks are like grains of sand. H100V acts like a ball powder in the powder measure. Both worked well for the 25-06.
“May we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.”
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Old 12-16-2010, 05:07 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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Today at noon it was sunny and 22 degrees here at the farm. I got the Polaris Ranger out of the barn, whistled up the dog (my trusty range officer) and drove to the backyard bench. I fired 10 rounds with H-4350 and the 87 grain Remington bullet and got a 0.57" group from the best load.

I then fired groups of the 117 grain Hornady BTSP bullet and got a group of 0.645" for 10 rounds at 100 yards. I bought some H-4350 last year when IMR 4350 was non-existant on the local gun shop shelves. I am using up the H-4350 and must say it is a great powder in MY .25-06. I do not see a need to begin testing all over again with any Reloader powders.

Adam Helmer
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Old 12-22-2010, 07:26 PM
blacktail blacktail is offline
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good info and stuff

I just got a Tikka hunter in 25-06
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