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Old 10-13-2005, 09:49 AM
hofts hofts is offline
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LR adj focus scopes vs. not adjustable?

i am thinking of getting a bushmaster varminter 223. i want to put a leupold 4.5-14-40 vx111 on it with varminters reticle.
most shooting will be at coyotes with very occasional prairie dog.

my question is this. i would like to go with the reg no focus scope because of the lighter weight, or would you recommend i go with the same scope with the lr side focus on it.

i would say most shooting is done from 40 yards to 325 yards.

let me know your opinions.....thanks
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Old 10-13-2005, 10:39 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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Adjustable is better by far...and get the 30 MM LR side focus. Had a varminter reticle and didn't find it was all that useful

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Old 10-13-2005, 11:37 AM
hofts hofts is offline
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hey skeet

hey skeet, could you tell me a little more about your varmint reticle experience. i really do not need it but i thought it would be nice on 300 yard pr dog shots.
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Old 10-14-2005, 12:13 AM
Jack Jack is offline
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I agree with Skeet- the Adjustable Focus is preferable. When you're trying to hit small targets at different ranges, you'll get a bit more accuracy with Adjustable Objective. What the AO does is remove parallax errors.
Can't comment on the reticle because I haven't used that one.
I will say this- ALL my varmint rifles have scopes with AO's. And so does my 22lr- and the accuracy on the 22lr improved, too.
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Old 10-14-2005, 08:11 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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Varmint Reticle

Well the idea of the reticle sounds really cool and if you take the time to learn the use of it... it would be ok.. But in real life we don't always have that much time to use these neat features. The thing is just a little confusing....and i am a gadget nut...not as bad as Fabs you understand...??. I also have a Boone and Crockett Reticle on my 300 Win Mag. Scope is a VXIII 4.5X14Long Range and it works pretty good. Not as confusing as the Varmint reticle. Also...a little side note...I don't really think you need the 50 MM scope either. Varminting is done in brighter parts of the day for the most part so I would get the 40 MM objective and 30 MM tube. No coyotes(not many yet) here but that ought to be a really neat rig for the critters you intend to hunt. I would probably just get the duplex reticle...cheaper and cleaner field of view Just my opinion. I put the same scope on a Ruger 1 in 243 If'n I don't hit it I screwed up...not the gun for certain...well most of the time!

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Old 10-20-2005, 06:36 AM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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plus 300yds is almost dead on hold.

are you useing a range finder for every shot takn, if not then id say the vt reticle is useless. i looked at the varmit reticle but decided i likie target dot better. as well as the fine duplex.

im also not sure the 4.5-14 vxIII without the adjustability wouldnt be alright.

i say that haveing never looked through 14 power leupold that is fixed at 100yds or wherever they set it to be paralax free.

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Old 10-20-2005, 07:00 AM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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this scope right here is in my opion one heck of scope for the money. i bought one new with target dot then liked it so much i snagged another with a fine duplex.

the scopes are crystal clear in low light or no light and track bueatifuly.. did some moon gazeing and man thats one have of sharp crystal clear moon image.

also saves you alittle money over the 14 power.

good luck


i also have the old varix III 4.5-14x40 ao and its one of my most favorites. but the two 6-18s seem to be just as good.
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