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Old 03-08-2006, 11:38 AM
littleTO littleTO is offline
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When and Where?

I live in the very Northwest corner of Missouri and I wanted to know when deer start dropping their antlers. Also where should I look for these sheds? Thanks for the help.
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Old 03-08-2006, 05:44 PM
Jonesy Jonesy is offline
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That's a a question I've been trying to figure out for years. There seems to be too many variables. Here in Western South Dakota they shed from the end of December through the first part of April. Heaviest time seems to be mid Feb. to mid March.. I personally find most in the bedding areas. Walk current deer trails and feeding areas as well and you should find what your looking for. Good luck with your search!
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Old 10-23-2006, 11:46 AM
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Have never found one except on dead deer the coyotes or dogs dragged up..
I have been out in march specifically looking for them...we had a big deer I was trying to pattern at the time..Still never found one
any tips..I looked on trails and bedding areas..We have tons of squirells here..could that be the culprit?????????
A man once started to write a book about everything he'de learned about deer while deerhunting. He hunted all his life. When his son started hunting, found the book and opened it, it was blank. E-
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Old 03-07-2007, 04:43 PM
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I was going to ask the same question, except I live in Michigan. I think it would be fun to go look for sheds, but I'm not sure where.

My Dad has 5 acres that back on to state land and he sees deer around his place all the time. I'm thinking I may start looking there.

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Old 03-09-2007, 12:30 PM
Tennessee Elkman Tennessee Elkman is offline
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I've never had much luck in Tennessee but in Canada during the spring bear season I've found complete sets that have fallen off over ditchs or ravines where the deer are traveling. When the deer jump, upon landing the antlers come off. I've also found elk sheds the same way but I've never found a complete set. I've been told that once one antler hits the ground, the deer or elk really try to get the other to separate.
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Old 05-08-2007, 12:27 AM
Jonesy Jonesy is offline
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These are all great questions. Mice, squirrels, porcupines, fox, coyotes all like to chew on the shed antler. I have found many with chew marks from these critters.

As far as finding the antler, I've tried over the years to make a science out of it and just can't seem to do it. I have areas that I seem to find more. But the biggest advantage is time spent out. The more footwork you put in the more you'll find. That's not always true either. I've spent a day out and found three or four, and I've also gone out for just a couple hours and picked up thirty.

A couple other places I have found them are on fence lines where a trail crosses. Must be the jarring from landing that drops them. Also where there is some low lying trees and brush that a trail goes through. Where they have had a antler get knocked off by a branch I presume. I have also found them out in the middle of nowhere. The biggest matching set of whitetail sheds I have, if on a deer would be a 170 class plus. I found them out on a gumbo flat next to a prairie dog town, miles from any decent food source, cover or water. Dog gone it, you just don't know.
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Old 06-09-2007, 01:58 PM
DeGrush DeGrush is offline
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The best place to start is at there winter food source you find that and you'll find antlers!
NY.State land of the big 6pts!

Last edited by DeGrush; 06-09-2007 at 02:11 PM.
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