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Old 07-09-2006, 09:00 AM
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Ruger Blackhawk-45Colt or 44Magnum?

Looking to buy another Ruger Blackhawk one to hunt with this time...want a stainless 7 1/2 inch gun..already have a blue 4 5/8 in .45 Colt. Cannot decide between the .45 or .44.. Want it for deer/hogs..Thanks in advance for the assistance.
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Old 07-09-2006, 01:42 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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There is so little difference in the field preformance of the .44 mag. and the .45 Colt that you will never see it in the field. If your wanting and round to reload for get the .44 mag. If you want to keep it simple get a .45.
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Old 07-09-2006, 11:01 PM
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Id have thought it to be the other way around...with most all .45 factory loads being mild in performance. Guess id better look again.
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Old 07-13-2006, 04:59 AM
muskrat30 muskrat30 is offline
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I bought a Super Redhawk 7.5" target grey SS a year ago. I like the options of 44 spcl, & light & heavy loaded 44 mag rounds. The 44 specials are like shooting 38's in a 357. If it was me I would get a 44 mag.
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Old 07-13-2006, 10:46 AM
Aim to maim Aim to maim is offline
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Originally posted by Ken14
Id have thought it to be the other way around...with most all .45 factory loads being mild in performance. Guess id better look again.
Actually, I believe your initial impression was correct.
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Old 07-13-2006, 12:29 PM
PJgunner PJgunner is offline
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The .45 Colt round can be loaded to not only reach .44 mag. power, but in a strong revolver like the Ruger Blackhawk or Redhawk (if you can find a Redhawk in .45) can even slightly surpass the .44Mag. in power.
There used to be an article at by John Linebough on this very subject. Mr. linebough worked up what he felt were safe, but much more powerful loads in Ruger revolvers, then sent samples of his loads to the H.P. White Laboratories for pressure testing. These loads put out more power than the .44 mag. at less pressure.
You have to take into account that at the time of his experiments, .44 Mag. ammo was loaded to about 40,000 PSI. Current .44 Mag. ammo is now loaded to about 35,000 PSI because the original loading were beat the good old S&W 29 and 629 up, as the old 1905, or is it 1908 lockwork could not stand up under the pounding of the original ammo. This makes the properly loaded Colt .45 in a Ruger revolver even more attractive.
An article by Ross Seyfried stated that his favorite walkabout handgun was a properly loaded, IE hot, Ruger Bisley with 5.5" barrel in .45 Colt. I already have a Ruger Bisley in .44 magnum which I find a lot more comfortable to shoot than my Super Blackhawk in the same weight and barrel length. I have shot one of Linebaugh's loads in a Ruger old model Blackhawk with 7.5" barrel and I was impressed with the load. I have since bought a 5.5" Ruger Bisley but have not yet had time to load up and try the loads in that gun.
The only drawback is .45 Colt ammo is underpowered and a tad pricey. Second, a Linebaugh type load is strictly a handloading proposition. If the new Bisley proves out, I'm thinking my 4 5/8" Super Blackhawk will be relegated to safe queen status. It's a weird gun. it's a Super Blackhawk, but has a standard Blackhawk grip frame from the factory. It's accurate but a bit painful to shoot with full power loads. it's been my carry gun when hiking up in the nearby mountains due to problems with mountain lions, black bears and occasional two legged varmints.
My take is, if you're a handloader, go witht he .45. If not, go witht he .44, especially if you need the extra power.
Paul B.
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Old 07-13-2006, 05:39 PM
Aim to maim Aim to maim is offline
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Originally posted by PJgunner
My take is, if you're a handloader, go witht he .45. If not, go witht he .44, especially if you need the extra power.
Paul B.
Exactly my thoughts, for the reasons you laid out. Very well written explanation.
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Old 07-29-2006, 06:57 AM
pistolchamp pistolchamp is offline
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both are a lot of fun

If you are a handloader, you'll notice no difference as either can be pussycats or cannons.

I have both and shoot both.

44 mag loads:
250 gr SWC - 9.0 gr Unique
180 JHP - 28.0 gr. WW296
240 JHP - 24.0 WW296

45 Colt loads:
200 SWC - 7.0 gr. WW-452AA
200 SWC - 6.0 gr. Green Dot
200 JHP - 10.0 gr. Unique
250 SWC - 9.0 gr. Unique
250 JHP (Hornady) - 25.0 gr. WW296 (Ruger only with this load)

Both will hunt and kill targets too. Buy 'em both and have fun.
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Old 08-16-2006, 08:42 PM
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Even though I hand load, I am not constant experimenter. I have a few pet loads for my .45 Colt handguns, and a few for my .44 Mag revolvers.
For the purpose you are suggesting though Ken, I would buy the Ruger in .44 Mag. While I dearly love the .45 Colt, I have found the .44 Mag to be a more to my liking for hogs and whitetails. I have to say that favor milder loads than most. I have not found much reason to push a .45 or .44 much past 1000 fps. If I need more 'umph', I take a rifle.
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Old 08-17-2006, 08:18 AM
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I agree completely with that, 8X. If you can't do it with a heavy bullet at 1000 fps, put down the revolver and pick up a rifle.

BTW, as I've said before, you can load the 45 Colt with 6 to 7 grains of ANY powder between Bullseye and Unique and have a good mild load. My personal favorites are either 6.0 of Nitro 100 or 7.0 of W231. I load those with either a 230 RNL meant for the 45 ACP, lightly crimped over the start of the ogive, or with a 255 SWCL designed for the 45 Colt. Haven't put a jacketed bullet through either of my revolvers for 20 years.
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