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Old 12-06-2006, 09:17 PM
Baylian Baylian is offline
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Cool .223 vs. .17 HMR

I was thinking of getting a varmint/predator hunting rig and most of you are split between the .22-250 and .223. If I got a .243 for the really long stuff, would a .223 or a .17 HMR be better for the under 200 yard stuff? The .223 has an MPBR of around 230 yards. The .17 HMR has an MPBR of around 165 yards. Would the 65 yard difference in MPBR make a difference? The .17 would be cheaper to shoot. I don't really want to be throwing high cost ammo at prairie dogs or coons.

Thank you, TJ
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Old 12-06-2006, 11:04 PM
gd357 gd357 is offline
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IF you're doing a lot of shooting around 200, get the .223. Because it's a military round, you can get plenty of ammo for very reasonable prices, a lot less than other CF rounds. Also the .223 has a lot more pop when stretching out around 200 yards. JMHO

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Old 12-06-2006, 11:05 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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Get a .223 and load your own ammo and it will be cheaper to shoot than the HMR and you have the extra range. By the way you read it wrong. The MPBR is 270 yrds. with a 230 yrd. zero. The HMR isn`t even close.
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Old 12-07-2006, 12:11 AM
Andy L Andy L is offline
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There is no comparison. Thats like comparing a F250 Powerstroke to a Volkswagon Bug.

HMRs are good for nothing but rabbit size game and smaller. I dont care how much flack I catch for saying this either. Anyone who points a HMR at a predator is nothing short of irresponsible. I dont care how much you preach headshots, ect.... Its total BS. They just wont do the job humanely, consistantly and you will have alot of crippled and deformed animals as a result.

Get the 223. It will do a fine job from 1 yard to 300 yards. Cleanly. If you do your part of shooting straight.

The HMR is a fun gun to shoot and very accurate. But IMO, its the biggest mistake and thing of myth put out by the gun industry ever. People want it to be something that it isnt. Its a rat gun. Period.
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Old 12-07-2006, 12:18 AM
Andy L Andy L is offline
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Oh, and dont expect much out of it as a coon gun either. I know a fella that is a big time coon hunter and says when he tried it, he ended up with jaws blown off, splashes on skulls and damaged hides. Several had to be shot with a 22lr after being knocked out by the HMR. They arent suited.

If you must shoot a coon with one, treat it like a coyote. Shoot it behind the shoulder, thru the ribcage. If you get lucky enough not to hit a rib bone, it might make jelly out of the heart and lungs and kill it eventually.

My little bit of first hand experience with HMR was not impressive. In September, I went prarie doggin. One of the fellas brought a hummer. It was a blast to shoot. We were knockin their heads off at ranges up to 150 yards. I shot one at 50 yards and hit it in the shoulder. It splashed. Splashed on a PD shoulder. Blew a big entry hole and DIDNT KILL the PD!! That should tell you enough. As fragile as those little things are, if a bullet actually splashes even once on a body shot, its not suited for coons, coyotes, bobcats or anything else of any size.
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Old 12-07-2006, 01:22 PM
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Could not agree more. Read Andy's post again, then buy a .223.
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Old 12-07-2006, 10:02 PM
Baylian Baylian is offline
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Cool Thank you

Thanks for all the replies. How about the .223 vs the .22-250? The .22-250 has about a 25 yard advantage in MPBR. The places where I can buy ammo, because I don't reload, the .223 is only a buck or 2 cheaper (if at all cheaper, sometimes they are priced the same) than the .22-250. The .22-250 shoots very flat compared to the .223 as well.

Good hunting, TJ
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