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Old 10-25-2006, 06:25 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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October days afield with loyal hound...

Our PA grouse and squirrel season opened last Saturday and turkey opens this coming Saturday. Lori dawg will accompany me afield with the .50 caliber smoothbore flintlock stoked with shot, wads and 80 grains of 2F BP.

October is my favorite month and it is fast going away,. I hunted every October day I could with the loyal dog and it still slipped away too quickly.

Let us hear about other Longhunters afield in October.

Adam Helmer
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Old 10-26-2006, 12:14 PM
kt kt is offline
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some guy came through the woodlot today with two loyal and particularly loud beagles (hounds) needless to say didnt see much in the way of deer. but it was nice to listen to.
adam you dont really attempt grouse with a flintlock do you? have you bagged any yet with it? jeeze i have my hands full with a semi auto on them things, good luck
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Old 10-26-2006, 05:07 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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Last year I shot two grouse on the wing with the .50 smoothbore flinter. I have not had a flush yet this year. I alternate between the .50 smoothbore and a single barrel drop-in 12 gauge barrel for the .54 caplock Renegade.

We do not have too much small game hereabouts, so the muzzleloaders kind of even the odds and do provide sport for me and loyal hound.

Good luck afield.

Adam Helmer
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Old 10-28-2006, 03:05 PM
kt kt is offline
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i have considered black powder to spice up small game, as i've mentioned in the past i would love a thirty something cal for squirrels. where pheasants and bunnies lack, bushy tails abound!
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Old 10-30-2006, 06:09 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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I very nearly got my first turkey today with my .50 smoothbore flintlock stoked with 80 grains of #5 shot and 80 grains of 2F BP. My Lori dog dashed into my West Woods and came back up the hill and was herding (?) a big tom turkey up the wooded hill 35 yards out. Just then the dog passed into the line of fire betwixt me and said turkey. Of course, I held my fire, the turkey took wing and the dog was happy. Ok, that is what it was all about. SPORT, eh, wot?

My loyal hound is 45 pounds of yellow lab and German shepard. She likes guns, accompanies me to the backyard bench and likes the sound of the guns. It is not possible for me to exit this house with any gun without Lori in company. I really like the dog to work game and it is fine if she gets in the way some times.

Adam Helmer
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