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Old 04-06-2008, 09:44 AM
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Tater Tater is offline
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Question What to look for

I'm looking at getting a new shotgun as soon as my tax $$$ comes in. I was at Cabelas looking at the used firearms rack and saw some nice looking scatterguns at what seemed to me to be pretty good prices. They all looked in great condition but I've never bought a used shotgun before; is there anything in particular I should look for as far as wear and tear?
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Old 04-06-2008, 11:08 AM
Gil Martin Gil Martin is offline
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It depends

There are a lot of really great bargains to be found on used gun racks. I have not dealt with Cabela's because their prices tend to be higher than where I shop. I would look for the best condition possible and check the exterior and bore for any rusting. Check the screws for stretching and the stock for any cracks. Also, measure the length of pull to determine if the stock has been cut. If everything looks OK, offer a lower price and good luck. All the best...
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Old 04-06-2008, 11:47 AM
Jack Jack is offline
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And then, look to see if the gun fits you.
Then, check the fit.
If a shotgun doesn't fit you, you're gonna hate it, as you won't shoot well with it.
Gil's given you some good things to look for as far as wear. I'd first find the guns that fit you, then go thru the stuff Gil described.
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Old 04-06-2008, 03:10 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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I don`t know if your looking for a singles shot or a semi auto or what, but if it`s just the most gun for the money I would look at the Rem. 870 Express. You can pick up acouple of barrels, a short one for turky, a long one for geese and a slugs barrel for deer without breaking the bank.
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