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Old 08-05-2010, 05:04 PM
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EPA Asked to ban Lead in hunting and fishing

The below item was reportedly just filed with the EPA. It is such a crock of hand made statistics and absolute BS.

For Immediate Release, August 3, 2010
Contact: Robert Johns, American Bird Conservancy, (202) 234-7181 x 210 Jeff Miller, Center for Biological Diversity, (510) 499-9185
National Ban on Lead-based Ammunition, Fishing Tackle Sought to End Wildlife Poisoning
Lead Still a Potent Killer of Millions of Wild Birds, Health Risk for Humans
WASHINGTON— A coalition of conservation, hunting and veterinary groups today filed a formal petition with the Environmental Protection Agency requesting a ban on the use of toxic lead in hunting ammunition and fishing tackle. Major efforts to reduce lead exposure to people have greatly reduced the amount of lead in the environment, but toxic lead is still a widespread killer in the wild, harming bald eagles, trumpeter swans, endangered California condors and other wildlife.
“It’s long past time do something about this deadly – and preventable – epidemic of lead poisoning in the wild,” said Jeff Miller of the Center for Biological Diversity. “Over the past several decades we’ve wisely taken steps to get lead out of our gasoline, paint, water pipes and other sources that are dangerous to people. Now it’s time to get the lead out of hunting and fishing sports to save wildlife from needless poisoning.”
An estimated 10 million to 20 million birds and other animals die each year from lead poisoning in the United States. This occurs when animals scavenge on carcasses shot and contaminated with lead bullet fragments, or pick up and eat spent lead-shot pellets or lost fishing weights, mistaking them for food or grit. Some animals die a painful death from lead poisoning while others suffer for years from its debilitating effects.
“The science on this issue is massive in breadth and unimpeachable in its integrity,” said George Fenwick, president of American Bird Conservancy. “Hundreds of peer-reviewed studies show continued lead poisoning of large numbers of birds and other animals, and this petition is a prudent step to safeguard wildlife and reduce unacceptable human health risks.”
American Bird Conservancy, Center for Biological Diversity, Association of Avian Veterinarians, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, and the hunters’ group Project Gutpile are asking for the ban under the Toxic Substances Control Act, which regulates dangerous chemicals in the United States.
"As a hunter in California, compliance with the recent state nonlead ammunition regulation has been simple," said Anthony Prieto, a hunter and co-founder of Project Gutpile, a hunter's group that provides educational resources for lead-free hunters and anglers. "I still get to hunt, there is no toxic impact on wildlife or my health, and copper bullets shoot better."
The petition references nearly 500 peer-reviewed scientific studies that starkly illustrate the widespread dangers from lead ammunition and fishing tackle. Lead is an extremely toxic substance that is dangerous to people and wildlife even at low levels. Exposure can cause a range of health effects, from acute poisoning and death to long-term problems such as reduced reproduction, inhibition of growth and damage to neurological development. In the United States, 3,000 tons of lead are shot into the environment by hunting every year, another 80,000 tons are released at shooting ranges, and 4,000 tons are lost in ponds and streams as fishing lures and sinkers. At least 75 wild bird species are poisoned by spent lead ammunition, including bald eagles, golden eagles, ravens and endangered California condors. Despite being banned in 1992 for hunting waterfowl, spent lead shotgun pellets continue to be frequently ingested by swans, cranes, ducks, geese, loons and other waterfowl. These birds also consume lead-based fishing tackle lost in lakes and rivers, often with deadly consequences.
Lead ammunition also poses health risks to people. Lead bullets explode and fragment into minute particles in shot game and can spread throughout meat that humans eat. Studies using radiographs show that numerous, imperceptible, dust-sized particles of lead can infect meat up to a foot and a half away from the bullet wound, causing a greater health risk to humans who consume lead-shot game than previously thought. A recent study found that up to 87 percent of cooked game killed by lead ammunition can contain unsafe levels of lead. State health agencies have had to recall venison donated to feed the hungry because of lead contamination from lead bullet fragments. Nearly 10 million hunters, their families and low-income beneficiaries of venison donations may be at risk.
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Old 08-05-2010, 07:54 PM
Dan Morris Dan Morris is offline
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One again, folks that live in mining states...past and present, tailing dumps n old shafts leech more/lead/arsnic and other heavy metals than shooting lead does. This was proven by mining engeneers when we argued this atmy gun club.Colorado backed off...for the time.A's gonna out law breathing.

Lifes not meant to be a journey to the grave with the intentions of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thouroughly used up, totally wore out,loudly proclaiming....
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Old 08-06-2010, 04:45 AM
jplonghunter jplonghunter is offline
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May I please see a picture of these 10 to 20 million birds that die from lead poisoning each year.

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Old 08-06-2010, 12:16 PM
Larryjk Larryjk is offline
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The Center for Biological Diversity has about the same amount of esteem IMHO as the ACLU. You have to know how devious and what a complete bunch of liars, manipulators of facts they are. They were finally taken to court in AZ a few years by Chilton and he nailed them for $600,000. They haven't changed their methods, only where and on whom they play their games. I have no idea what they stand for because they are non-discriminatory and screw everyone.
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Old 08-06-2010, 12:27 PM
Larryjk Larryjk is offline
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Stupid is as Stupid does. Not just in the movies. This morning I had a conversation with the fellow that manages the landfill for the city. He said now the Dept. of Envi. Quality says no more drywall waste can be put into unlined pits. The pits have to be lined to put the drywall waste in. The reason: the drywall changes the pH of the soil. Think of that!
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Old 08-06-2010, 03:22 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Originally Posted by jplonghunter View Post
May I please see a picture of these 10 to 20 million birds that die from lead poisoning each year.

YeaH.. What JPL saild....

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Old 08-11-2010, 10:27 PM
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more alarmists at work...
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Old 08-28-2010, 10:08 AM
popplecop popplecop is offline
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According to Fox News EPA rejected the petition saying that it does not have authority to act on it. Was at rejects lead ban, now don't forget to Vote Nov. 10th. We may have won this one, but there will be more.
VFW Life Member, NRA Life Member, Wisconsin Conservation Warden Assoc. Life Member, Wisconsin Waterfowl Assoc. Life Member
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