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Old 07-18-2006, 08:03 AM
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The Best Shot You NEVER Took

I had an idea that I thought would elicit some good discussion and stories. What is the best shot at a deer, or any other game, that you NEVER took, regardless of weapon, for whatever reason?

I’ll start off. Several years ago, when I was living in Pennsylvania, I was hunting on my uncle’s property on the last day of buck season. It was getting late, and a light snow was beginning to fall. I had taken a fair-sized buck earlier in the week near the spot where I was standing, but nothing was happening that day. I was about to call it quits, and just be satisfied with the one deer from earlier that week, when I was startled to see a decent-sized doe by herself about 40 yards to my right nibbling on browse and totally oblivious to my presence. I had a perfectly clear shooting lane, she didn’t know I was there, and I had my .30-30 raised, safety off, and boiler room in my crosshairs, ready to fire. The only problem was that it was buck season, and not doe season. And of course I realized this, but the temptation to shoot was powerful. To make a long story of my momentary insanity/moral struggle short, I did the right thing and lowered the rifle and just watched her until dark. She sauntered off eventually, and I walked to my car and went home satisfied with my decision, and grateful for the experience. Plus I have a story to tell!

What about everybody else?
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Old 07-18-2006, 11:24 PM
gd357 gd357 is offline
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Well, a few years back in Michigan I had 3 deer lined up at about 50 yards. 2 yearlings and a doe. Had a 7mm rem mag, 150 grain core-lokt ammo, and enough doe tags for all of them. I suspect that I could have killed all three of them with a single shot, but didn't pull the trigger. Still don't know if I made the right call or not.

We hunt, not only because we want to, but because at our basest levels we must.
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Old 11-10-2006, 11:05 PM is offline
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Posts: 1,086 looks like someone had to wake up here..been a while since anyone posted anything but I think it is an interesting question.
Once on the day after Christmas a few years ago it was snowing hard adding to the foot already on the ground. I tucked myself back under a nice pine to get out of it. I spotted right before dark 6 deer walking from my R to the L about 50yds away when the last doe of the bunch turned and trotted right at me. She walked right up to the low hanging snow covered limbs of my pine, stuck her head in and was only about 2 feet from the tip of my already drawn arrow. I just said " Merry Christmas doe" and she just walked away. So did I.
Just this bow season after an all day trek in the woods I sat resting on a bank and watched a small deer walked to within 10 steps from me eating leaves. I just watched. Later I passed another hunter and answered his question of seeing anything with, I always see what I look for. That goes along with the 2 doe I called in with my maaaaa noise 3 times but they couldn't see me laying on the ground... I aimed at them each time but never pulled the was more fun..must have shot each one a dozen or so times and never had to drag a one.
Oh almost forgot about the 14 pt I had been hunting down all season. When he did showed up one evening, I picked him out now and then between the brush...picked out a good spot to where I figured could make the perfect shot. He stepped out and stopped in his tracks. I aimed dead on at 150yds when I heard voices. Then at the same moment through the top of my scope view I saw 2 kids walking in the woods. I put the scope down and never seen him again..only to hear he got hit by a car at the end of the valley a few days after the season. What a time for kids to play in the woods.
I sat at the edge of a field tucked back in the briers when a doe jumped a log into the field...easy shot not but 15 yrd..but heard more deer so deer jumped in..could hear more deer..waiting for the big buck, I watched the doe only to get to see the smaller one nurse from still live there..all of them....except the buck I ended up getting a few days later. wow the list goes on but I best quit here..took too much space as it is.
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Old 11-13-2006, 02:50 PM
Tall Shadow Tall Shadow is offline
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A friend and I were out "Small Gaming" for squirrels/crows about 15 years ago. We were hunting here and there, but mostly we were out to just be "Out in Nature".

It was early December (If I remember correctly?) and it started to snow BIG Fluffy Snowflakes....very slowly.... It was a really "cool" (No pun intended) sight, and we walked through the area that we were "hunting" enjoying the view, and feeling very "Right" with the world.

We had split up a little (15 yards or so) to cover a little more ground. When I spotted a big bushy tail at about chest level through the trees..... I raised my shotgun to a low ready, and slowly advanced.....I saw the squirrel just sitting there and raised my gun to shoot....when something told me not to.....

I lowered my shotgun, and walked up to him/her....It turned to look at me, and didn't move......I said "Merry Christmas! Fur-butt!"......To this day I still don't know why, but it just sat there....Looking at me, like "You talkin' to me?!?"

My buddy had heard me, and had walked up behind me staring eye to eye with the squirrel...... He came closer..up next to me and asked WTF?!? I shook my head, and explained what had happened, he offered to help "Motivate" our new friend (Jokingly) along, but I said "No, he gets a free pass this time." And with that the squirrel scampered up the tree and out of sight.


Tall Shadow
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Old 11-13-2006, 03:42 PM
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Good stories, guys. I forgot I posted this thread, so thanks too for the reminder.

Keep them coming!
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Old 11-14-2006, 01:59 AM is offline
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Good one tall shadow...says a lot about you.
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Old 12-25-2012, 07:58 PM
VaRedneck VaRedneck is offline
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Many years ago....35, to be exact...I was walking through woods close to my house. I wasn't allowed a gun at that age and certainly wasn't allowed to be hunting if I had. I'd secretly bought a wrist rocket slingshot a few weeks earlier...the parents were kinda looking the other way about me having it so I took pains not to rub anyone's nose in the fact that I had it.

Anyhow...I'd entertained the idea that I could knock a squirrel offa limb with my new weapon. 'Course that would actually mean I would be able to hit what I aimed at...and a squirrel was a small target at 30-40yds...the branch it was sitting on even smaller...heh.

So pretty much I was walking though a small creek bed shooting 45 cal shot at anything that would sit still long of water...ect.

I came around a slight bend in the creek...looking for somethin to shoot at, when he saw me at the same time I saw him. A buck....a big buck...14pts or better....tall tined and awesome looking. I came to full draw at the same time as he brought his head up to look right at me...from 25 yds or so.

I remember thinking to myself...."now what are you gonna won't kill won't even piss him off."

He musta decided that he'd almost shown me it turn back up that moss covered slope and showed me the rest....a white flag as he disappeared.

Biggest buck I never shot at...and the biggest I've ever seen since.
"Pain is weakness leaving your body."

Last edited by VaRedneck; 12-25-2012 at 08:04 PM.
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Old 01-22-2013, 01:29 PM
lastofthebreed lastofthebreed is offline
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Best Shot I Never Took

About 3 years ago, late one afternoon during deer season, I moved a tripod deer stand to a new location. I was sure I would see a nice buck from the stand the first time I hunted it.

Two days later one of my hunting pals called me and asked how the hunting was going - I told him I had plans to hunt a new location the next morning. He wished me good luck and then told me he had lost his job that day. His company was downsizing and he got caught in the shuffle. He said he was kind of depressed and would be down to hunt a couple of days since he didn't have a job anymore.

I hunted the new stand location the next morning before my buddy got there and, lo and behold, around 9:30 AM a real nice 9 point buck came by at 50 yards. I put my scope on him and started to squeeze the trigger when the thought hit me to not shoot.

That evening, when my buddy did show up, I told him I had a perfect place picked out for him to hunt.

The next morning I put him in the tripod where I had passed on the 9 point the day before.

Sure enough, at about 9:30 AM I heard him shoot. You guessed it, the buck had come back by and my buddy was able to make a good shot. My friend was very happy as it was the biggest buck he had ever killed. I felt good and was pleased I had passed up the shot.

To end the story, my friend was offered a job with another company the next week and he continues to work there. He still talks about getting the "big one" while out of work and jokes of quitting his job so he can kill another one just as big.

Me, I just smile every time I think of the one I "let get away".
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Old 01-22-2013, 03:14 PM
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About a decade ago I was walking home late afternoon the last day of season. No "legal" light left. Came over a rise and spotted a buck big enough that I never would have had to lie about it. He was 20 yards away, back to me, head down, and while my rifle was unloaded, my 357 mag sidearm was ready to go. I eased to a crouch, brought the pistol up, and thumb cocked it. I watched him for about three minutes before lowering the hammer, and holstering the pistol. I worked my way out of the thicket on the rise and home. My wife was working, I was working, the economy was good, and we didn't need the meat. I could have broken a law, and taken home a heck of a buck, and nobody else would have known. I took my wife out to eat a steak dinner instead.

(Moderator - Gear & Gadgets, Cowboy Action, SouthWest Regional, Small Game)

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 KJV

Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry: for that shall abide with him of his labour the days of his life, which God giveth him under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 8:15 KJV

"The gun has been called the great equalizer, meaning that a small person with a gun is equal to a large person, but it is a great equalizer in another way, too. It insures that the people are the equal of their government whenever that government forgets that it is servant and not master of the governed." - 40th President of the United States Ronald Reagan 1911-2004
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Old 01-22-2013, 06:33 PM
Larryjk Larryjk is offline
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About 15 years ago, I was guiding a family friend for elk. I put him on a stand and told him I would bring the elk to him the next morning. I pussy-footed after those critters, looking down to see where I would place each foot as I stalked them. I got to where the friend should have been and no show. I had 2 spikes and 3 cows at about 25 yards. They couldn't see me because I was in the shadows of a spruce tree. I had the 44. mag out and aimiing at one spike that was raising hell. He was broadside and trying to see me. He took a step forward with his right front leg and I thought he is getting it out of the way so I have a clear shot to the heart. I just about cried and holstered the 44. You see, I didn't have a license.
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