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Old 04-10-2005, 11:19 AM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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got my 10/22 rolling.

it was 10/22T to start with but the ruger heavy barrel was junk so i bought a 16.5" fluted(ideal lenght for 22lr) blued green mtn barrel that flat out shoots. its sitting in rugers laminated target stock with a 3-9 loe sitn on top. on weaver base and millet rings. plan to change out the rings for some leupolds. dont like the milletts.

been waitn for the weather to get good and go shoot some squrels. rifle loves velociters. those things are acurate and exstend its range a little bitt. can drop squrels consistenly at 90yds to 100 if the winds dead calm. if its blowing its very inconsintent at that range.

i tend to shoot for the longer range stuff with the rifle. ounce the squrels come out and i get the itch my bypods mounted on it i think its the coolest thing laying down with the bipods and popn them with pretty much every shot at around 60yds. 75 even .

what all are you guys shootin for the little ground squreils.??

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Old 04-10-2005, 11:36 AM
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For the gophers in my area I use my NEF .17HMR for the longer ranges (over 75yrds) and my stock 10/22 for the under 75.

9x out of 10 I only have the .17 with me though... *g*
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Old 04-24-2005, 10:53 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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been doing some ammo testing in the 10/22. so far ive found that the remington golden bullet 500 pack hollow points doint feed at all.

fed bulk hollow points feed perfect and shoot great 50yd 10 shot groups

still gona test whatever walmart has on the self. need to get some velociters and win exsperts. if i remember right the barrel like fed lightning the best. but they arent hollow point

also changed the rings to weaver quad lock rings because the millet angle lockts dont work right on the thin weaver base. the rings actualy seem pretty solid for only being 8 bucks at wally world. plan is to end up with leo PRW rings.

then itl be the ultimate 10/22.

still need 77/22lr cause i cant stand to shoot semi autos.

a frerind of mine fell in love with it and wants to buy it. i told him 350 and he can take it. but i keep the scope. im not planning to sale it but i will if he drops down the 350. cause thats only a few bucks shy of ruger bolt action 22lr.

id do a trigger. toss something else on it. maybe leo efr scope and toss stainless 920 fluted barrel in the reciver.

rugers are just to much fun to not customize. and green mtn barrels shoot real good.

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Old 05-14-2005, 10:26 AM
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I was thinking of buying a Green Mountan barrel. They are great barrels! But I like the fact that I rarely need to clean my rimfires. My stock ruger barrel does just fine for me.

Remington "gold bullets" stink anyhow. They dont shoot out of my 10/22 eather.

My 10/22 likes Federal, and CCI, also. Ive got some of the best groups with Lightnings, and Classics.

My glass is Tasco Varmint, the Chinese version.
Another forum (you know the one Evan) say the Chinese Tascos stink. But my glass has been on my 10/22 for years, with alot of abuse. It also has a clear picture, and holds its zero.
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Old 05-22-2005, 03:23 AM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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cant say as i do know that froumn , i do frequesnt a few.

id also shy away from tasco, but am curious about the super sniper scopes.
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Old 05-22-2005, 10:15 AM
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I mut have ya confused with another person. I frequent afew forums myself.

Tasco isnt bad for rimfire glass, just try to stay away from the older Chineese scops. China doesnt have very good quality control. If I remember corectly Tasco merged with Bushnell. Now their scopes are made in Japan. That is, if I rememer corectly.
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Old 05-22-2005, 11:46 AM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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i doubt you confused me with anyone.

got to thinkn your sig pic looks familar.

tascos upper end isnt rumerd to be as bad but ive never tried one to know.
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Old 05-22-2005, 01:54 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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You should try the Rem. sub-sonics. They shoot real good in all of my .22`s. They are not a long range bullet though, and the standard devision on them is so bad that I would never have tried them if I had known it befor I found out how good they shoot. I love them for fox squirrels, but 50 yrds. is a long shot on them.
As for Tasco scopes, , let me just say you get what you pay for, , well maybe they are over priced, alot.
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Old 05-25-2005, 10:01 AM
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Sometimes cheap glass is O.K. with rimfire. Its not like the earth shaking recoil will change your zero.
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