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Old 06-28-2006, 07:50 PM
Cal Sibley Cal Sibley is offline
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High percentage of failures in back operations.

I had a Spinal Stenosis operation two years ago, and it didn't help a darn bit. The surgeon said it would relieve about 75-80% of the pain, but it didn't relieve any of it. I met a guy last week at the range who also had one, same story. He claims he recently read a book that stated almost all back operations are dismal failures. Anyone here can lend credence to this? I was somewhat disappointed. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
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Old 06-29-2006, 04:21 PM
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glad to be the exception to the rule

I crushed a vertebrae (70% burst fx- L1) in '92 in a 14 foot fall from a broken tree stand ladder. Left leg paralysis, 6 mos in body cast, 3 fused vertebrae and a couple herniated/ruptured discs were the result. Didnt end up having sx until the day of the BIG blackout a couple years ago (figures !)

best move I ever made...spent the 4 months prior to surgery on disability money.....bedridden...LOTS of pain. Since I had surgery I still have "twinges" of pain...and the occassional bad day when I over do it. But overall, I'm walking and ......I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

My FIL is a rheumatologist and my BIL is a radiologist and, at least according to them, and their hospital, your stats are way off.
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Old 07-29-2006, 10:38 AM
tooldummy tooldummy is offline
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I saw a show on TV last weekend about back pain. Since I deal with it myself, I watched it. It was very interesting. Lots of different theories. Doctors don't still fully understand what causes the pain 100% yet. They said they looked at a lot of cat scans and X-rays and some of them were really bad with bulging discs, etc., yet the patient had no back pain. Others had rather minor problems with discs, yet were in severe pain.

There is also what they call back pain bootcamp that uses exercise for pain relief. I've been at the point I couldn't stand up or roll over in bed, and couldn't hardly stand to shower, so I don't know about the exercise thing. But it seemed to help some of those people.

I hurt a lot, but can still hold down a job. I hope the worse is behind me and hope you guys get some relief soon. Until someone has had severe back pain, they have no idea what it is like.
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Old 07-30-2006, 07:14 AM
popplecop popplecop is offline
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I had back surgery 25 yrs ago for an old back injury to L5. It was to the point my left leg is withered some and numb, also have a dropped foot and wear a brace. Only thing my orthopedic doc sai it will rid you of the pain. And happy to say the operation did do that. Have had very little trouble since operation.
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