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Old 01-09-2005, 07:57 PM
hntr hntr is offline
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Question super red hawk 44 or encore 308

was thinking about purchasing either a super redhawk in 44 mag, 7 1/2" or an encore 308 pistol barrel 15" which I would have to purchase grips and forearm also, I can get the super redhawk around here for $450, and the encore stuff I think I can get everything for around $250 if you do not have to have a ffl to order just a pistol barrel from a catalog. I was wondering what the range of each of these guns would be and how accurate, i live in wv but also hunt in Ohio and I think I could use the 44 mag in ohio but I could not the 308. If I go with a straight wall cartridge I think I want a revolver instead of a single shot.

How do the prices of these sound, and how far will these shoot, I have a Leupold 4x pistol scope I bought a while back I think I will put on whatever I buy especially the 308

any recommendations would be appreciated
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Old 01-10-2005, 12:59 PM
kt kt is offline
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here is how i see it, i have shot a contender pistol in 308, it is beyond a handfull, i just dont like it , completely too much recoil. I dont think the 44 is all that bad. with a good set up i think you would get a bit more range out of a 308, and should you decided on something else a new barrel is a peice of cake, i really think you should shoot a 308 pistol before buying one. or maybe i am just a sissy
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Old 01-11-2005, 10:39 AM
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The .308 pistol has some recoil, no question. It`s all in what you are wanting to do. If you shot is no more than 75 yards, the redhawk will handle it, and it goes off more than once. If 2 or 300 yards is your plan, then the encore would be the better choice. If you take an extra $150 dollars or so and add a brake, the .308 can be tamed right down. But everything has a price, a braked .308 is LOUD.
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Old 01-13-2005, 11:27 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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Like you said, if your going to use it in Oh. you`ll have to go with the .44 mag. I live in Oh. and I`ve killed several deer with the .44 mag. useing iron sights. The longest shot was 135 yrds. quartering away on a trot. I would recomand that you for get the 4X scope and go with a 2X scope on a handgun. Finding your target in a handgun scope is alot harder than in a rifle scope, that`s why I`ve always used iron sights to hunt when useing handguns. I am setting up a Red Hawk in .454 with a scope for a walk around gun for next year and a .500 S&W with a scope for a stand gun for next year. What ever handgun you use, it is important you shoot it alot. Handgun ain`t like rifles.
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Old 01-15-2005, 11:15 AM
hntr hntr is offline
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thanks for the input guys I think for now I am going to go with the red hawk, and the leupold I thought was a 4X was a 2X so thats good, I think I only gave $75 for it and a set of rings and mounts to go on a vent rib barrel.

although I think I will still get a pistol barrel for my encore one of these days, maybe a 223

Also have any of you shot a 410/45Lc encore barrel I would kind of like to have one of those

I have hunted with a revolver some, I shoot my fathers ruger securuty six 357, have killed 2 does the past 2 years with Iron sights one at 75 yards and the other at about 30. Unfortunately I didn't get to hunt with it this year thanks to the flu.

thanks again
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Old 01-17-2005, 08:58 AM
JJ JJ is offline
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hntr, did you buy the Encore as a pistol or rifle? I ask because it sounds like you purchased it in rifle form since you mentioned needing a stock and forearm. If this is the case YOU CANNOT put a pistol grip on this frame or a barrel less than 16". This is the Federal law! If you want an Encore/Contender pistol, you must first buy the gun in pistol form and have the frame legally licensed as a handgun. Once you do that, you can legally switch the frame from pistol to rifle to pistol again without any legal issues. Again this is federal law and considered pretty serious, no sense in risking prosecution over. I understand you are going to go with the Redhawk, but remember this for future reference.

If you Encore was in pistol form already, than you know all this, my apologies! I just know a lot of folks don't realize how the law works concerning these guns!

Enjoy the new Redhawk!
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