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Old 08-25-2004, 02:47 PM
kt kt is offline
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Some crap i put up with today

Well today was an overcast morning and seemed like a chance to get some good range time. While i had the hawken out at 50yds every thing was cool. moved over to 100 next to two guys shooting bolt actions 308's. Well as soon as the omega came out and i sent a few down, the two guys starting ranting about how people like me with these inlines are destroying the sport of muzzleloading. they are going on about "real" muzzle loaders, as if they didnt just seem my flinter. Well about an hour into it i was fed up, shot one last 1.5" group at one hundred and put the damn thing away and left. We walked up to the boards and grabbed targets, i had to chuckle when i saw they couldnt keep the 308 under a 4 inch group. In the end it remains that i hate public ranges.
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Old 08-25-2004, 03:09 PM
DaMadman DaMadman is offline
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If I were you I would have very politely reminded them that htey were shooting a Self contained Cartridge firearm and asked then which of the two guns was closer in technology to a "real muzzleloader" their .308 or your inline.

Las time I remember both my inline and my TC Renegade both loaded from the muzzle end and both will use BP or 777 or Pyrodex, I don't think they can say that about their .308
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Old 08-27-2004, 01:44 PM
Virginiashadow Virginiashadow is offline
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Tell them to take it up with their state representatives if they want the law changed regarding muzzleloaders. If they would have continued, I would have challenged them right there to an ass whipping contest. I am sick and tired of the PC bullshit these days. People need their asses kicked for stuff like that.

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Old 08-27-2004, 03:41 PM
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Exactly !!!

Originally posted by Virginiashadow
Tell them to take it up with their state representatives if they want the law changed regarding muzzleloaders. If they would have continued, I would have challenged them right there to an ass whipping contest. I am sick and tired of the PC bullshit these days. People need their asses kicked for stuff like that.

You load it through the Barrel, BlackPowder is BlackPowder no matter how you feel about the inline's. Period !!
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Old 08-29-2004, 09:51 AM
Triple Se7en Triple Se7en is offline
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I would of held up my target against my chest while they looked at you & smiled.

On the walkway back, I would of asked them if centerfires are better, how many cartridge fatalities have occurred due to hunting in comparison to muzzleloading fatalities.

Tell them to bark next time to a still-grieving years later widow.
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Old 03-29-2005, 08:13 PM
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Originally posted by Triple Se7en
I would of held up my target against my chest while they looked at you & smiled.

On the walkway back, I would of asked them if centerfires are better, how many cartridge fatalities have occurred due to hunting in comparison to muzzleloading fatalities.

Tell them to bark next time to a still-grieving years later widow.
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Old 03-30-2005, 11:26 PM
rattus58 rattus58 is offline
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This happens occasionally. I would have asked them if they would like to take a few shots with your omega and also your flintlock or whatever you had there.

It is easy to see that no matter what it looks like, muzzleloaders still have a model A engine driving them ... even if they look like a ferrari.

Aloha.. Tom
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Old 03-31-2005, 12:49 AM
gd357 gd357 is offline
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It takes a very ignorant individual to attack someone else's equipment. If they want to stick with flinters, they're more than welcome to, but they shouldn't denigrate anyone else for their own equipment choices. The only way that the antis could ever gain any ground is if we don't stick together. Apparently those SOBs don't have the brains that God blessed a mule with. It takes a big man to walk away, and that says a lot for you. There are a lot of people who don't deserve the name Hunter, and those are two prime examples.

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Old 03-31-2005, 07:48 AM
kt kt is offline
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thanks guys, if the weather holds for the weekend i may indeed need to return to the public range this weekend. Being that i will spend my whole summer in W.V i cant see rejoining the club if i am not gonna shoot there but once or t wice
. Hopefully things will pan out a little better
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Old 04-01-2005, 05:34 AM
quigleysharps4570 quigleysharps4570 is offline
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Originally posted by Virginiashadow
If they would have continued, I would have challenged them right there to an ass whipping contest. People need their asses kicked for stuff like that.

Doubt that would change their minds...probably make matters worse. If the law didn't get involved and he got out of paying for a lawyer, jail and would've been his luck that one of them was a real bad boy and would've used him to mop up that range. Always someone meaner out there.
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Old 04-01-2005, 12:17 PM
kt kt is offline
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Always someone meaner out there.
and i'm not very mean to start, maybe thats the reason i get so much crap from people!
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Old 04-02-2005, 10:42 AM
quigleysharps4570 quigleysharps4570 is offline
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You done alright by walking away...saves a few knots and bruises. Might try voicing your opinion and let em know where you stand in a constructive way.
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Old 04-05-2005, 12:13 PM
fishdoggydog fishdoggydog is offline
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It is usually the same gripe that deep down is reason for the complaint. Some people think someone else is abusing the system. Well let them change the rules, or join the system, or shut up.
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