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Old 05-10-2005, 09:07 PM
.243hunter .243hunter is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Boutte,Louisiana
Posts: 69
Talking Got me a hog with my 17 saturday

Before i begin. To save alot of posts this was a not a totally wild hog but an easier but by no means easy to kill feral hog. We were in Alabama Saturday and we rode out to the pasture to feed the cows. Th hogs were eating on the crawfish peelings we dumped and the 17 (HMR)was on the front seat. Got up to about 50 yards and they started runnin shot one right behind the ear and down he went. He was 50 pounds. I found the performance of the little 17 grain v-max incredible. It made a large entry wound and completely destroyed a section of his backbone and left a little damage beyond that!Didn't find any sign of the obviously incenerated bullet. I am amazed at what that little bullet can do and then that was a varmint bullet. I am interested to see what a similar shot would do at 90-100 yards. We shot em at that far but always in the eye or in the ear. I am also curious as to the performance of the new 20 grain bullets in similar sized animals.
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Old 05-14-2005, 05:34 PM
shonkster shonkster is offline
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 81
I have shot a few grunters of various sizes over the years with 17remington, usually when we been spotlighting for foxes, depending on which area I was spotlighting in you on occasion you run into pigs, theres no problem in dropping a pig with a 17cal you just have to make sure you have a well placed shot
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