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Old 07-03-2005, 07:00 PM
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NYDEC messed up I think,.......

Hi All,.It`s been awhile,...been busy working,..but anyways,..
On Saturday at approx. 5:45 pm a dam broke open in Fort Ann NY and it looks as if it may be the NYDEC`s fault.

Due to the DEC recommending changes in the struture of the dam and stating it was out of date.

So it was decided that it (the dam) should be redone,...It was redone,....and was just completed back in May of 2005 and it broke due to flooding conditions,that weren`t all that flooding.

Looks like another bouched decision by the Great NYDEC !!!

I don`t admire the NYDEC in the first place due to their crazy ways of doing things,...but this is like the NAIL ON THE HEAD reason why!!!

Later ALL
P.S. Watch out for those DAM,ed Dams ! lolol!

OPPS! Forgot to tell ya the name of the Dam,...or Pond,...Hadlock Pond ?!!! Why it`s called a Pond i have no idea,..why do they call it the NORTHWAY ,when it goes BOTH WAYS!!???
Slices' N' Dices
& is the Best @ what he Does

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Old 07-03-2005, 08:38 PM
Valigator Valigator is offline
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Sounds like some heads should roll
nothing like the smell of chanel and gunpowder in the morning
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Old 07-05-2005, 07:04 AM
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Yuppers ,...I think so,...BUT 1st,..

Yea Val I think your right about heads rolling,
But 1st the victims need to be taken care of and their lives given back,...and the way NY goverment works that could be awhile, but hey they have suprized me before.

I see it being a blame game for awhile and in yesterdays paper (The Post-Star), it was printed in a time line how the dam started and ended, and who called the shots for repairs and changes,
So I guess we will all see in time,..

I just can`t get away from the saying,
"If it ain`t broke ! Don`t touch it" !
Or in this case it should have been ,..
" If you break it , YOU bought it"!

Later All
Slices' N' Dices
& is the Best @ what he Does

Hunt Safe
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