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Old 07-14-2005, 07:34 AM
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Officer tasers wheelchair bound senior citizen

Elderly man accused of pinning deputy against produce stand with wheelchair

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- A 73-year-old man faces criminal charges alleging he repeatedly rammed a sheriff's deputy with his motorized wheelchair and tried to take the officer's gun.

John T. Snyder was charged Monday with felony disarming a peace officer and misdemeanor counts of assault and interference with an officer.

According to court papers, Salt Lake County Deputy Christopher Maez went to a Wal-Mart on July 4 after managers complained that Snyder entered the store even though he had been banned.

When Maez asked Snyder to go outside to discuss the complaint, Snyder allegedly drove his wheelchair into the deputy's legs and cursed at him. Maez told him to watch his language, and Snyder allegedly propelled his chair into the deputy's legs twice more, pinning him against a produce stand.

Snyder drew his weapon and told Snyder to back off, but Snyder stopped only after Maez instead used his stun gun on him several times, according to the court papers.

There was no immediate explanation why Snyder was banned from the store. Wal-Mart officials didn't return a call seeking comment Tuesday, and Snyder does not have a listed phone number.

Arraignment was set for Sept. 12.

Ouch! Now there's a nice friendly ole' fella! Guess he was feeing "rammy"!
"Rent 2, get 1 free."
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Old 07-14-2005, 09:40 AM
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cool article

got link?
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Old 07-14-2005, 11:35 AM
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"Rent 2, get 1 free."
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Old 07-14-2005, 12:56 PM
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Was he banned from all Wal-Marts or just the one?
The first ammendment provides for freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences.
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Old 07-14-2005, 04:32 PM
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Originally posted by DogYeller
Was he banned from all Wal-Marts or just the one?
FWIW: when Wal-Mart trespasses someone, it's their policy to trespass the person from ALL Wal-mart stores.
"Rent 2, get 1 free."
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Old 07-14-2005, 06:43 PM
Wallaby Bob Wallaby Bob is offline
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Any IDIOT 71 or 17 who repeatedly assaults another person, law enforcement or otherwise, with a mechanised device is a BLOODY danger to the the public at large and deserves whatever he gets from the judicial system.
Consider for a moment, he was asked to leave an area on which
he was trespassing. The reason for his exclusion was not given but retailers and the controllers of retail space do NOT ban potential customers arbitrarily/"willy-nilly" but they do have a duty of care which extends to all users of their space which of course must include the exclusion of persons incapable,demonstrated by the incident, of behaving in a responsible manner towards other users of the facility.

Just in case someone suspects me of bias against the elderly I am 72 years old, one year older than the miscreant and NOT a supporter of monomoly. WB
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Old 07-15-2005, 08:07 AM
Dan Morris Dan Morris is offline
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Use of a Taser prevents having to further hurt the perp to disarm/subdue.
Lifes not meant to be a journey to the grave with the intentions of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thouroughly used up, totally wore out,loudly proclaiming....
WOW.....WHAT A RIDE.......
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