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Old 06-26-2004, 07:55 AM
Ruddyduck Ruddyduck is offline
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Question What Sporting Clays Course Do You Frequent

Figured I'd pose the question about what local courses everyone has the chance to shoot on a regular basis. I'm bless I think with 7 course within an hour or so of me.
Rock Mt. S.C.
Lehigh Valley S.C.
Water & Wings S.C.
Sky Top Lodge S.C.
Factoryville Sportsman Club
Pocono Manor

Each has there own "personality" and I listed them in order of how I rate them.
The Rock has a great piece of property and offers some unique shot with thier signature shot being a station called "cliff hangers"
A trap or traps placed on a hill top around 150 ft. high and 100 yards away. It's the last station and just a fun way to finish up.
Lehigh Valley is set around and old quarry and cement factory ,with usually 4 stations over water with an assortment of presentations and a station where they use the factory where one station has a bird coming straight towards you thru a factory window and the twin towers station ,where clays are tossed using the towering pillars as part of the presentation as one would use trees in a grouse presntation.
Like to here what you get to shoot.
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Old 06-26-2004, 09:45 AM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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1. Prince George's County Trap & Skeet
2. St. Charles Sportsmans Club

I have a couple of course within 1 hour of me, but these are the only two that I shoot with any frequency. The first one is about 15 minutes from me and I like it a lot. About 7 years ago I shot a couple of courses on the Eastern Shore. One I was really impressed with and the other was mediocre.

Once I finish up with the new house, maybe I will be able to get out there and try some of the other courses some time this summer. Then again, that is probably wishful thinking.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 06-30-2005, 12:57 AM
PJ3 PJ3 is offline
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I shoot the following sporting clay courses:
Palmyra Sportsmans
Valley View Rod and Gun Club
Freidensburg Gun Club
Steelstown Gun Club
Blue Ridge Gun Club

I shoot Palmyra for practice trap and Blue Ridge for 5 stand and wobble trap.
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Old 06-30-2005, 05:14 AM
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Dom Dom is offline
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Boy you guys are lucky.

2 1/2 hour drive: Dornsberg Parcourse

1 hour drive: Kaiserslautern Rod & Gun Club

And there ain't no more that I know of.

Dornsberg is fantastic, beautiful rolling hills wooded layout. K'town is 5 stand. Waidmannsheil, Dom.
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