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Old 05-11-2006, 02:40 PM
littleTO littleTO is offline
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Has anybody shot a Hoyt Trykon? If so, what do you think of it and what's the price like? Thanks
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Old 05-11-2006, 07:40 PM
300 RUM 300 RUM is offline
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I shot the XL version and it is a great shooter. The smoothest Hoyt that I have ever shot. I just dont like the way the Cam&1/2 feels as it goes into let off. The grip and balance were good. Very little hand shock much less than some of the other Hoyt bows. IMHO

All my shooting buddies are huge Hoyt fans out of the 6 of us, I am the only one not shooting a Hoyt. Around here they are staying pretty steep at the retail price. I think $699.00 but dont quote me on that price. I have heard of people getting them for lots less in other areas, at least that is what they post.
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Old 05-31-2006, 10:43 AM
The Game The Game is offline
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Hoyt has map pricing. Their dealers are given a min and max selling price and they are supposed to stick to it. It differs according to the area that the shop is located in.I recently bought a gamemaster. I started off calling around getting prices and it varied by as much as 50.00 bucks. If they have to order it don,t expect to get it right away. The book says 4 to 6 weeks but it was well before turkey season when I orderd mine and it is yet to show up. At least 10 weeks ago.
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Old 07-21-2006, 02:24 PM
hatracked hatracked is offline
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I shot the Trycon several times at our local shop and two things stood out to me. I didnt like the draw cycle either and it was extremely heavy . However just like a heavy old cadillac it was smooth as silk after that. It had little to no vibration was fast as all get out 302 through the chrono while I shot, and was very comfortable to shoot. Id say if the draw cycle and weight isnt an issue to you its a fine bow and forget the price when your dumping a grand or more on a bow just buy the one you want. None of the top manufacturers offerrings are junk. They all shoot well.

Out of the entire line up of new bows I honestly liked the Browning Illusion the best. Super Smooth draw competitively fast and felt comfortable during and after the shot although not near as dead in the hand as the Trycon.
John Coit

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