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Old 03-04-2006, 01:39 PM
royinidaho royinidaho is offline
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Rick some meat info.

Gonna go local so my son can shoot a hog.

Gonna attempt to get one around 200 pounds or so. Who knows.....

Question: how to cut/process the meat. Don't care for ham or bacon. What wrong w/pork stakes roasts and sausage?

What do you do with yours. When I went to Conroe Tx the caterer went hawging the day before to get critters for bbq.

I have video some place where my dog was put in a hog trial, after I sold him the month before after running him in a cattle penning trial. It was a hoot. I had the only catahoula trained like a border collie. Didn't come in last either and used only the one dog against everyone else's three. Ol Phogg was a pretty good dog.

He was the only one that would catch a cow for me. I'd never have to build a loop. Just throw the hondo at the cow I wanted and pretty soon it was on its back.

Funner than heck......
On the other hand................she had warts
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Old 03-04-2006, 07:49 PM
rick savage rick savage is offline
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wild hogs have very little or no bacon on them, as far as steaks,roast or sausage you can;t go wrong. make sure you cut out the backstrap and tenderloin, that;s the best. as far as the catahoula, these dogs were breed to bay and round up, ours are a little rough, but they will catch a hog
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