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Old 02-21-2006, 08:22 AM
jl1966 jl1966 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Virginia
Posts: 47
llama 9mm 1911

I recently bought a llama 9mm max I auto. It is a 1911 style pistol, many parts will interchange with a colt including the magazines. I had went looking for a 9 since they are cheaper to shoot than .45 acp guns, which I have a few of. This allows me to practice more. I had about decided on a p95 ruger since I already have a p97. I went in a pawn shop near the house and looked at a colt 9mm 1911 which was used, and in my opinion not in all that good shape. The asking price was $700, I thought that was outrageous. I found this gun at the next place I stopped, for $275 brand new. I liked the feel of it and the price was very right for me. I was a little unsure about a llama though, I had heard mixed reviews on them. It is a commander length gun with a beavertail grip safety, combat hammer, neoprene grips, 9shot mag. and a sort of matte blue finish. I took it home and field stripped it to lubricate and inspect it before firing. It was pretty tight and sort of hard to get back together, like some makarovs and european military guns I have had. after a little grease was applied I took it out to the backyard range for some informal shooting. My faithful golden retriever, who usually recognizes guns and does not like them accompanied me. I loaded up a mag and tried to convince my pup to go back to the house, but she would have none of it. I fired of the first round and she adjourned to her room in the garage. I had 2 failures to return to battery on the first magazine, oh geez! Happily that was the last problem of any kind I experienced. Amazingly in the course of about the next 120 rounds I had no malfunction of any kind. This is with FMJ, and I will try some hollow point later, but if there are no problems this may replace my GP100 as my woods exploring gun. I cant say what more testing will bring but so far this gun is well worth the money.
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