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Old 11-05-2006, 01:53 AM
Baylian Baylian is offline
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Cool Multi-tools?

I was wondering if I should buy a multi-tool to take hunting? I had a nice SOG Paratool that I liked but I gave it to a friend who was on the way to Afganistan. Would a multi-bit screwdriver be as good or better since I will already have 2 knives with me? If you bought one which kind would you get? What features are most important to you? I think I would like to have needle-nose pliers, a phillips screwdriver (other screwdrivers being a given), and a good pair of scissors. Saws and files don't seem that important to me and only add to the weight. I like light-weight stuff. I have a Wyoming saw already coming along.

Thanks, TJ
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Old 11-05-2006, 08:32 AM
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Don't discount the usefulness of saws on a multi tool; I got lost once and was pretty happy I had mine along in case I was stuck over night and had to cut firewood. Thankfully, my friends found me and we made it back to camp. You can use the saw on a Leatherman Supertool to cut small pieces of firewood instead of using your knife. Give the Leatherman Wave a shot. I bought mine when I broke my SOG in Qatar a few years ago and used and abused it and it took a lickin and kept on kickin. Now, it's ridin in my Jeep as a 'just in case' tool for small repairs.

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Old 11-06-2006, 08:26 AM
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the huntchat multitool rocks *Instert Shameless Plug for Board here*

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Old 12-16-2006, 09:26 PM
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I always have an original Leatherman in the butt pack. Lately, I have been carrying a SAK Trekker. It is pretty much all the 'multitool' a body could need in the woods. The saw blade is very efficient.
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