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Old 12-14-2007, 08:32 PM
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Second Round of Skeet tonight

Well, me and Slim-Zippy went to the skeet range tonight. First time for him, second time for me.

I got 14 of 25 the first time. Tonight I got 19 of 25 for the second time. The 16Ga. sure nocks the fire out of those clays, even with the modified choke. I know that I'm hooked and I think Slim-Zippy liked it as much as me.

Man-O-Man, I sure didn't know what I've been missing all these years. I like this alot. After the first of the year I'll get an Improved Cylinder or Skeet choke and see if I can improve on what I've been been able to do so far.

Yea I know the next time I'll be lucky to hit 5 or 6, but I don't care, I'm having a heck of a good time.

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Old 12-14-2007, 09:39 PM
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Honestly, if I didn't have to work, you would find me hunting, shooting clays, fishing, or riding my bike when I wasn't spending time with my family. However, family comes first, thus the need to work, and the other hobbies don't get done often enough.

If I had the time, I would shoot 3 times a week, but it just isn't possible.

When I first graduated undergrad, I shot clays on Tuesday, Thursday, and almost all day Saturday or Sunday. I was burning up a ton of shells back then. Now, I am happy if I get to shoot clays once or twice a month, but that is still better than none at all.

Glad to hear that you guys are having a blast and that you are improving. A 19 on your second attempt is pretty good.
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Old 12-15-2007, 04:50 PM
Jack Jack is offline
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That's great, Bulletpusher. I'm glad you're enjoying the skeet. And like Fabs said, 19 isn't bad at all on your 2nd try.
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