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Old 04-13-2005, 06:35 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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My new carry gun for on the hoe.

I picked up a .222 Rem. 14 in. barrel for a Contender at a gun show awhile back. I`ve been carring a .22 semi-auto handgun but have seen acouple of coyotes and so othe varments that were out of range of it. So I got the .222 barrel.
I loaded up a couple of hundred of the Serria 40 gn. Blitz Kings and done alittle plinking with it but never put it on paper untill tonite. Put it on some sand bag and fire a 5 shot group. Not bad for what I was shooting and as fast as I was shooting. I adj. my scope and tried again. This group was right where I wanted it and 4 fo the 5 shots came in at .620, I through the 5th., but would have still killed a squrriel. I was pretty happy for a handgun with a 14 in. barrel and a 2X scope. The group was shot at a lazered 100 yrds. and the aim point was a 4 in bulls eye, I needed it that big to keep from covering it up with my cross hairs. And yes, it is a factory T/C barrel.
I think I`ll keep it.
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Old 06-08-2005, 08:31 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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Well I did it. Last nite I put a 2 1/2 x 8 Leupold scope on it. Got it out today and shot acrossed the pond to see if it was going to shoot. Zeroed it on a rocd, abt 3 in. in dia. and qiut when I hit it twice. I think it will be a good 250 yrds. gun from the hoe. Hope some of those coyotes start showing themselves when I get back to running it. That dang old triple duce is hard to beat.
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Old 01-16-2008, 12:19 PM
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Rapier Rapier is offline
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I coined a saying a long time ago:
"You can spend a lot of money on a custom rifle and still not have it shoot near as well as a 10 inch TC."

The old contender is just an amazing gun. The only thing I have seen that will beat the 222 in the 14 inch gun is the 223. The 223 sings in the 14 inch TC. I built a custom XP-100 in 6.5BR, spent over 1k on the gun, just in parts, went to a Region championship match and came in second, to a darn TC 14 inch, 223 gun in the shoot offs.

If I want to find out how well any .224 shoots I go get a box of Berger bullets. The 222 and 223 both love the Bergers.
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