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Old 12-11-2007, 01:45 PM
Tennessee Elkman Tennessee Elkman is offline
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AR-15 optic options

I asked this in the rifle section and then realized it's better suited here. I just bought a Bushmaster optic ready .223 and looking for ideas on what it mount on it. I really like the eotech holographic sight but I know it won't have the range of a power scope. I'm guess the distance I'll be shooting to start with will be between 100-200 yards. Any suggestions?
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Old 12-11-2007, 02:28 PM
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What will you be shooting with it?
If its varmints, a 3- 9x or 3.5-14x or so scope will work well.
You may only be shooting out to 200 now but soon you may stretch it to 500 yards so think ahead on your optics purchase.
If you're shooting coyotes definitely stay with a variable that will have a low power setting.
Close-in fast shots can be difficult with 4x and up.
This would be great on a coyote rig:

A reddot for close shooting (in my limited experience) will outperform most scopes.
If you do a reddot, look at the Aimpoint Comp M series. It has butler creek flip-up caps that keep out rain, snow, dust, etc...
Some of the other reddots do not have convenient covers and are exposed to the elements.

Sounds like you have a flattop, is this the one?
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Last edited by Skinny Shooter; 12-11-2007 at 02:37 PM.
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Old 12-11-2007, 02:44 PM
Tennessee Elkman Tennessee Elkman is offline
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Yep. That's my new gun. Except I put the rail system on when I picked it up at the gun shop. I like the idea of the red dot but there are so many different prices for cheapos to the best. It's hard to know which one to go with.
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Old 12-11-2007, 05:35 PM
Aim to maim Aim to maim is offline
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Back in March, I gave a Recon Marine friend an Aimpoint Comp M4 red dot sight and an Aimpoint detachable 3x magnifier to take to Iraq with him. He came home to us in October in good condition. I'd say that's a pretty good recommendation for you to consider. Quickness of the red dot system and a magnification only if you need it. I've heard eotech has a magnifier available also but have not researched the matter.
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Old 12-15-2007, 02:07 PM
Tennessee Elkman Tennessee Elkman is offline
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Thanks Aim. I think that's how I'll go. Everyone tells me the detachable stuff is the way to go, but I've never done it before. I'll find one at Midway and buy it.
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Old 12-15-2007, 05:37 PM
Aim to maim Aim to maim is offline
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Hope it works out to your satisfaction. Incidentally, unless you need night vision compatibility, there is no need to go the CompM4 route in the Aimpoint line. You can save a few bucks by dropping to a le$$ $ophisticated model.
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Old 12-16-2007, 09:38 AM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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I don`t know why you got yours, but here something to think about. I got an AR for coyote hunting. It`s for short range and when running them with dogs. I built a flat top with a 3 x 9 Leupold on it. I figure I should hit 90 % of the standing coyotes out to 300 yrds. first shot and those that are running just keep shooting as long as I have a safe back ground. So far I`ve killed 1 and crippled 1, both 60 to 70 yrds. running, and with the scope set on 3X. I like the more presice point of aim with a scope, but for close and fast that is not nessary, just when you get out there over 100 yrds.
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Old 12-21-2007, 05:11 PM
Craig 522 Craig 522 is offline
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Good dual purpose optic is the Millett DMS. It's a 1x4 variable with a lighted dot/circle center similar to an Eotech. But has 4x zoom capabilities for extended ranges. You can find them for around $225.

Meopta makes a similar scope but expect to pay around $700 for it.

Both are showing up more and more on AR15s used in 3 gun competition where the targets may be from 10 yards to 300 yards.
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Old 12-21-2007, 10:20 PM
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Here is the cheap optics I put on my AR15 (Barska ? ) I'm sure this is not the best but I am very very happy at the price. The veiw is very clear and the scope is made for an AR, seem more than OK in low light.

Most important it is cheap !

Here is a link

If you want to see this scope perform watch my video and my AR15

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Old 12-26-2007, 11:20 AM
Tennessee Elkman Tennessee Elkman is offline
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You think that would work on my SKS? That's a hot little scope...
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Old 12-29-2007, 11:13 PM
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I think it would work just fine on a SKS. The bullet drop guestimater knob is guessing for a 223's drop but that's no big deal.
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Old 01-04-2008, 04:29 PM
Tennessee Elkman Tennessee Elkman is offline
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Got the scope today and it sits way too far back on the SKS so I put it on the Ar-15 and man does it look good. Can't wait to sight it in this weekend. Thanks for the advise. Now it's off to the gun show this weekend for a red dot for the SKS.
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Old 01-06-2008, 12:41 AM
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I keep thinking I should get another one to just put on the shelf ? After you shoot yours with that scope and report in, I’ll decide on picking up another. Or 2
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Old 01-07-2008, 03:23 PM
Tennessee Elkman Tennessee Elkman is offline
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Very Pleased

I am very pleased with the way it sighted in. I only used it out to 100 yards and I added a laser so I played with it at closer distances. Best scope I've seen for the money.
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Old 01-14-2008, 10:22 PM
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Darn you !
Now I have to buy another one.
Then I'll have to buy another rifle to put it on.

It's a never ending circle.
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