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Old 08-01-2008, 06:31 AM
Rancid Crabtree Rancid Crabtree is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: WI
Posts: 191
Making Venison Snack Sticks

Next to jerky, snack sticks are the family favorite. Here I will show how I make a 30 pound batch of snack sticks or hot sticks. I start with 80%lean venison and 20% pork trim.

I ground the venison first as the fat has a tendency to clog up the grinder

I mixed the two together by hand and then added the water and spices. I use LEM brand seasonings packets but you will find a brand that suits your tastes.

After mixing the seasonings with the meat I grind it again using a finer hole plate and then pack it away in the cooler overnight to cure. Jake and I stuff the casings with the cured meat.

Each smoke stick holds around 15 or 16 links that are a total of 52 inches long each. (I should have smiled for this picture)

I preheat the smoker to 125F and hang the sticks. I spread them in the middle so I get good air flow.

Adding that much cold meat to the smoke brings the temp down to about 115F which is a good starting temp. I will keep them at this temp for about 2 hours

After the 2 hour drying time, I add hickory chips to make a heavy smoke.

After 5 ½ hours the temp is at 150F and I keep them there and then slowly raise the temp until the internal meat temp reaches 165F. I then take them from the smoker and let them cool at room temps. When cool, I put them in the fridg.

After a night in the cooler, I cut them to size. I save a bunch for the family to eat and seal the rest in 1/2 pound packs or 12 sticks per pack. This is the point when the scavengers start to show up.

It really does not look like much for all the hard work.

Last edited by Rancid Crabtree; 08-01-2008 at 06:37 AM.
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