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Old 11-17-2011, 08:08 PM
ColoHunter ColoHunter is offline
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Colorado 3rd season ! Another...

Great hunt and just an amzing time spent with my youngest son Arlan. We passed up lots of bucks and several good bucks (which amazed me that my son would pass several of them). My son never even fired a shot until Wednesday, and then I blew it by not ranging it twice, and having him aim to high and ended up blowiing off the G2 and G3 of a giant 180" buck on the left side. After that he just wasn't as impressive and decided to shoot another buck that was with "BROKEN" (the big 180" buck) and closed the deal on Thursday night with a awesome 317 yard shot standing right beside "BROKEN" taking the top of his heart right off.

My cousin also took a great buck hunting with us opening day !

And her husband also took a good one the same night as Arlan !

My dad and daughter have not had the same luck in unit 41 with thier doe tags and I have 2 days left to fill my unit 41 doe tag. Good luck to all still hunting !


As for the does... we made it back out Saturday and got the tags filled. It was almost tougher than the buck hunts this year and I could not believe the amount of hunters and pressure on those poor deer in unit 41. Every time you seen a deer it was hualing butt ! We all three filled our tags, but I did not get a pic of dads doe.

My daughters doe.

My doe

We had a great year this year and as always I enjoyed all the time spent with my family and friends in the GREAT OUTDOORS !

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Old 11-21-2011, 06:37 AM
bigbrother bigbrother is offline
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Simply AWESOME! Great job on the deer...even better job on the family. Congrats for all.
Aim small...
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Old 11-25-2011, 08:49 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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All great deer, thanks for shareing
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