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Old 10-17-2008, 01:21 PM
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Question Nickel-Plated Shot

For those in the know, are there any advantages in upland bird hunting with nickel-plated shot over lead? Any issues with bore damage in using nickel-plated, such as you could experience with steel? What are your thoughts?
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Old 10-17-2008, 04:37 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Nickel plated shot is pretty much like copper plated shot. It allows for a denser shot string (i.e., tighter patterns) because the shot does not become as deformed under fire (i.e., chamber pressure) as lead. With lead, the shot gets deformed under the pressure it is put under during firing. The deformity causes flat spots on the shot, and once the flat spot hits the air, that piece of shot becomes what is known as a flier. The air catches the flat spot and throws that piece of shot out of the pattern.

Hevi-Shot is extremely tight patterning because not only is it extremely hard, but it usually is formed like a tear drop (i.e., a rain drop), which is one of the most aerodynamic shapes around.
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Old 10-17-2008, 04:53 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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NIckle Plate

Either nickle or copper plated shot makes your patterns somewhat better. In most upland situations it really isn't needed but if reloading and the shot is available everything that will help is great. BTW in my opinion and I have used both extensively the plated shot seems to kill just a bit better. And it really will not hurt the bore of your prize shotgun. At one time I used nickle plated 9-s in the 410 at skeet. The patterns were much better. The only question was ...was I capable of taking advantage of it?
I love to shoot the 410 but it is very frustrating in the extreme. I have also found that the 3 inch shell is a waste of time and money. Limit the shots to 30 yds or so and you'll be just fine. Geyt ya some nickle shot and shoot it.

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Old 10-20-2008, 08:21 AM
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Duffy Duffy is offline
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Re: NIckle Plate

Originally posted by skeet
Geyt ya some nickle shot and shoot it.
Will do. Thanks!
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