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Old 11-30-2008, 02:32 PM
Larryjk Larryjk is offline
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16 Gauge skeet Guns

There are model 12 Winchesters in 16 gauge that are marked "Skeet". There are also "old" boxes of 16 gauge shells loaded with #9 shot and marked "Skeet Shells". At some time, skeet must have been shot with all "5" gauges; 12, 16, 20, 28, and .410. Give me the history. Just curious. I like the 16 gauges.
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Old 11-30-2008, 06:09 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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16 ga Skeet

The 16 was used in skeet in the all bore(12 ga) match...which means you could use anything . The 16 was a very popular skeet gauge at one time. There was no 16 ga only match though. You could use it in the 12 ga(all bore)round. It was commonly loaded in skeet loads with 1 oz of 9's. I had a 5 gun model 12 skeet set that I got on a trade for a matched pair of 1100's(28 and 410). #4 was the 16...#5 was the 12 ga. They were consecutive serials except for the M-42. Bought by a man named Joe George of Sudlersville Md. An old All-American in the 30's and 40's. Wish I had kept 'em. Sold 'em to help buy a small farm on the Eastern Shore of Md a few years ago. One day that place will really be worth a bit more than the guns I never really had much use for the 16 myself. I have a Stevens 311 in 16 and a bunch of older good shells for the darn thing. Hopefully it'll be sold next weekend at the gun show in Cody along with the really nice Parker Trojan 12 ga SxS I have. Not much use for SxS guns either.

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