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Old 04-28-2009, 09:15 AM
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Rapier Rapier is offline
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Two Deputies Killed in NW Florida

I enclose this newspaper article because a couple of us know where this happened and the Shoal River Range is the sporting clays range where I shoot clays almost every weekend. This weekend our group decided to shoot a tourney at Brushy Creek in AL and I decided to plant food plots at the farm in Laurel Hill, about 15 miles north. Normally we would have been done shooting about 12-12:30 and been in the parking lot on Saturday, right in the middle of the shooting.

Okaloosa County has a new sheriff and an article in last week's paper had a notice that the department had just received a shipment of new Tasers. One has to wonder how two LEOs went after a violent, armed, individual at a range with non lethal force to start with. Prayers for the families.

PS: Rocky this is the range that has been on Hwy 90 just east of and outside of Crestview for years.
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